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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Diary of a Lonely Heart

.s.incer.e. (88) presents….

As Told By: Marcus Christopher Hollinger

Loneliness is defined as being affected with, characterized by, or causing a depressing feeling of being alone; or lonesome. The medical classification: one who cannot properly assess, manage, or deal with others emotions properly or otherwise remain disconnected from social interactions for lack of good psychological equipment as well as basic commitment can be likened unto or understood as: Asperger’s Disease.

Journal Entry 1: The Opening Leak
In all honesty, I wrote this first section to kick my exposition off to expose this past of being a hidden hypochondriac and a self-analytical ‘I’ll figure me out, if it’s the last thing that I do!’ type of person I used to be. In all seriousness guys and gals; In my past, I made many empty attempts to psychoanalyze myself to try and figure out what was wrong with me and why I couldn’t be who I wanted to be or at least who I felt like I could be, or who I really was or even what the media was over-influencing me to be like. I thought that if I had enough knowledge about what could be going on that was wrong inside of me that I could better deal with my emotions and conditions and find a way to properly ‘grow up’ or what have you, and live my life freely, to do what I ultimately saw fit to. Sadly, I was only fooling myself into thinking that complex lofty thought, an understanding of medicines, reading scholarly journals and peer reviewed writing columns, science and other medical dictionaries, interviews by doctors and intellectuals on YouTube and Wikipedia articles partnered with a myriad of random Google searches, would assist and temporarily satisfy my longing to know, who I am, why I’m here, and what causes me to feel like I do, and what can I do to change things in my life. I never could answer these questions for myself. Even when I found some sense of security, identity and comfort inside of the church that I was raised in, at the end of the day, ultimately, if I was honest enough with myself, I would have found my lived out freedom in Christ a lot sooner. But instead, I would escape back into a place of clandestine emotional listlessness (a downward spiral of thought and feeling) that would afford for me the opportunity to play cat and mouse with so many thoughts of suicide, hate, fornication, and Sac-Religious mind traps. Understand that these thoughts were not all at the same time in my life and they ranged throughout my life based upon varying circumstances and life milestones as well as discrepancies. So put more plainly, I knew how to mask my issues and live on, as if nothing was going on in my head, but I secretly harbored unresolved pain from years of personal and social negligence. In fact, I dealt with it so well, that I developed good enough façade that not only fooled the people around me into thinking that I was ok, but I also found a way to start this process of denying my heart. It was very difficult of a road to walk, because at my core was a need and a sense, like everyone else in the world, to not only receive love, but to reciprocate it. I had a lot of love in my heart, a lot of it. I really did. In fact, it’s never died; but I possessed a mentality of victimizing myself that was disturbing enough to break my trust in so many people that I’ve lived with throughout my life. It’s like I would never give someone enough time to understand me. I would understand people and learn people and want them in my life, so quickly, because of my void of loneliness; but I wouldn’t give them grace to do the same thing unless it was in my time frame of life. So I would unconsciousness judge people for their short comings and ultimately become hurt by it, even though I was always patterning myself to deal with this mess of a mindset.


You see i realized that I'm selfish today
sad thing is that i always knew this truth
but I'll finally, honestly say

That i blew it with my friendships
i dropped the ball multiple times
when you asked for my opinions
around my heart i drew the line

and kept back the real me
'cause i was convinced that you'd reject me
and force me out of your life
and teach yourself to just forget me

'cause i didn't fit your mold
of who i was supposed to be
i knew you back and forth
but you never knew me

i wasn't good enough for the birthday invites
left alone in the back of classrooms
and picked on by you at lunchtime
feeling like the size of a cashew

intimidated by your demeanor
so I ostracized myself
to a place of leaking faces
crying and begging for help…
constantly hit with
from misfits
and big kids
drowning in sorrow
only reaching to get lifted...

Loneliness was stricken unto me for such a long time, that it was my tried and true black cloud that would never cease to stop following me. No matter where I went, it would ultimately find some way of reminding me that at the end of the day, no matter what happens, we’re gonna be the couple of choice and inextricably woven until the end of time. And I believed it, and it’s truly been the longest lasting battle besides codependency that I’ve had to battle for my entire life. In fact, codependency stemmed from my loneliness. But because of my mindset that was put onto me at an early age (the victim mentality) it was easy to sit in that mess of life and not really do anything about it. Many people who struggle with loneliness also have a victim mentality. They almost work hand in hand. It works like this. I had something happen to me in my past, and it’s effecting how I live my life now. I’ve been told that I am needed and I’m of great worth to someone but yet I won’t fully accept it because I want the chase of someone to follow after me. I want zeal and a passion to consume me and to pursue me. But when it comes I’ll decide how much of myself that I want to give out, because unless I’m understood in the way that I want, and how I want it done, I don’t want it. But the fact that its coming gives me a little bit or maybe even some satisfaction; but it’s not good enough. The truth is, how good is good enough? Try pleasing an inconsistent list of good deeds?? – Good luck lol. But seriously this mindset creates the most consistent form and pattern of ultimately being lonely. It’s a way of wanting everyone to meet your impossible list of standards and when they can’t you drop ‘em. There are some expectations that we place on people that the other people often times have no clue they’re being held up to, and we create an opportunity of losing people that if we understood what ramifications it held, we would stop being such selfish introverts and start opening up to the people that we need the most…


I always feel this way
I feel as if everything I submit to others
Selfishly gets thrown away
I feel like I submit love and acceptance
Understanding and good moral
To people that I know or once knew
And yet they step all over my shoes
I feel like what I give is never what I get back
No matter what I try to do
I always get back from people
An attack
I let myself die to wants, desires and needs
And try to open myself up
As a safety net to people
But they trample over me like leaves
They chew me up and spit me out
Over and over again
And never think about
My feelings
My wishes
My stance or my opinion
They even try to get slick
By asking what I think
But I know it’s just another facade
Another way of pacifying me
Just long enough
So they think that I won't think what I could be thinking
But it’s past too late
You always know how a person see's you by the way that they respond
And this black cloud of hate always keeps me from seeing dawn
'Cause I once was a spawn
A fawn of emotional freedom and recompense
But these feelings I have now
Kept me at bay, ever sense
The first foreshadow of dealing with the human condition arrived
I was so ill equipped I would constant duck down
Run and hide
Because good character and moral won't deal with this type of malice
It's only a fruit of what’s on the inside
But I've forever long been so good at dealing with the outside
Rather than the inside
I tried to look like I had it all together
And tried to be a really good person
I tried to help people throughout it all too
But it's impossible to do this and succeed
Because sin has a festering, perpetual, unstoppable bleed
That can't be fixed by merely making life changes
It can only be fixed by being inter fixed, betwixt the Love of the Most High
You'll die if you love politics
And you'll waste your life trying to be good on your own standards
Like I used to
I tried and tried
But my heart was so seared
I was afraid of letting people know what I was dealing with
Because they already had me on such a high petastool anyway
I just lived up to their expectations
And dealt with it all
The place where I became misguided and perverted
In shackles of oppression
The place that I dare not enter
But constantly go...

Just like anything in life, habits create characteristics that define lifestyles. It’s a scary truth that I never really grasped when I first heard it. It’s sobering to know that behavior modification will dictate to the people around us who we are, what we’re about, what we allow and what we stand for. The only way I can call someone a thief if by way of a pattern of behavior traits and dispositions that I’ve identified with him and know him for. Thus is the same way in loneliness. We know lonely people by their actions and if we’re not free ourselves we can become succumb by it, because misery loves company. But the truth is that Christ is the way out! Christ knows the taste of loneliness…

Matthew 26:36-46 –“Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.” 37 He took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee along with him, and he began to be sorrowful and troubled. 38 Then he said to them, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.” 39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” 40 Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. “Could you men not keep watch with me for one hour?” he asked Peter. 41 “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.” 42 He went away a second time and prayed, “My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done.” 43 When he came back, he again found them sleeping, because their eyes were heavy. 44 So he left them and went away once more and prayed the third time, saying the same thing. 45 Then he returned to the disciples and said to them, “Are you still sleeping and resting? Look, the hour is near, and the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. 46 Rise, let us go! Here comes my betrayer!”

He even cried out on the cross, “Father why have you forsaken me?” The son of the living God asking the one who sent Him to the earth, why did he leave him alone in his time of need. Especially when the ones who he called friends deserted him and were ashamed of him thereafter; When He needed people the most, they abandoned Him and had to reason or connection enough to come for him. They didn’t understand the reasoning for his death when it happened either. They were just terrified and couldn’t do anything to help Him. It was so sad but God had to absorb His own wrath and deal with his anguish…alone. Apart from His manifested unique relationship he had with His creation. So what’s makes us even begin to think that God isn’t faithful enough to heal us in our inner most parts? Who are we to think that He doesn’t know! He knows! He knows every scar and every detail and every need to be met in and for your life…
It’s truly apart of the web of life and the proof that the human condition is in need of a Savior who can empower us to live like He lives and Love like He loves. It’s the human condition to only be concerned with self-preservation and only concerned about what happens for you. It’s a perspective of being victimized that will allow you to keep everything in you at bay from others, when they want to do everything to help you…

I eventually asked the Lord to show me ME, and don’t hold anything back from me. I asked Him to expose my heart, and if you’re really real like the pastor said you were, not only would you depict to me, my insides in their entirety (because you’re all-knowing) but you would give me the way out like you’re word says that you do for the one’s you love (healer and chain breaker). And He did just that, but only when I finally humbled myself out, without fleecing God and truly asked Him for His ear and His voice. Nothing else; I had to start learning how to go after His heart and stop asking for His hand. That’s why my answer was prolonged. After my years of church exploits, Christendom, ‘knowing what I was supposed to do’ – that’s what my theology has afforded me. I was a spiritual brat and the only active member of the lonely hearts club. And on some real talk, it just plainly sucked. It sucked to know that there were just as many reasons for me to feel justified in my loneliness as there were for me to be ashamed of even entertaining the feeling of being lonely. That’s why I needed a Savoir...

But this is the truth to all of you readers who feel alone, forgotten, scared, and left for dead, a church casualty, walking in a sea of faces, overlooked, shunned, pushed away, ill-mentioned of, spoken badly about, lied on, cheated on, not given what you gave back, unrightfully done to, spit on, mocked, hated, feared, ostracized, dichotomized, or excommunicated – The Lord’s blood runs deeper than our chains. And the truth is, the more we focus on what we have going on around us, the longer will we overlook the real situation at hand in our mind and hearts. The truth about being lonely is that the first channel of freedom comes the Cross of Christ and the more you run from that, the more you’ll continue to really just fool yourself in thinking that you can get over this psychological cancer that’s still ripping apart hearts and ruining solid relationships today as it has for 1000’s of years. The second channel of freedom comes from knowing who you are in Christ, because you were worthy enough for the shed blood of Jesus to be spilled for, so know that just because people fail at remembering your worth, your eternal worth (which is much more important anyway) will never cease to be His first thoughts of you. You have a God who is jealous for you and wants you to put your problems at His feet and watch Him walk you through all of it, as you spend time knowing Him and adopting His ways. The third channel of freedom comes from going to the people who have wronged you and asking them for forgiveness. This is crucial and it takes a lot of tenacity and humility to do this. Especially when you feel like they were the ones who wronged you; you didn’t do anything! But this isn’t the case. At the core of every lonely person is a seed of bitterness and unforgiveness (no matter how big or small) and if it doesn’t get put to light, it eventually begins to grow into a tree, with roots that will get deeper and deeper as you continue to justify your actions. The fourth channel is to live and move and have your being in Christ in all that you do, and to guard your heart in all diligence because out of it flows the issues of life. (Acts 17:28 and Proverbs 4:23) This could be the most important one because when you come out of this pain, there are too many devils targeted towards you now because you have the keys to life. You must walk freely but you also have to guard your heart against other people’s baggage, hurts and everything else that could upset you enough to lead you back into your formal state.

Trust that none of this is possible without time spend with God, reading the word, and being so filled up with Agape Love, that you can’t get mad J My intent with this project is to point you towards Christ, to expose my condition and to show you how I got out. Because truthfully, I didn’t fully come out until this summer. Yep. Summer of  2012. The Lord told me earlier in the year, that a baby was going to be born on my birthday. And I wasn’t 100 percent sure what He meant by that. I mean we had a married couple in the church that was expecting children close to my birthday, but I didn’t give it much thought either than that. But now I see what He meant. He was referring to me and my psychological state. A man is finally being buried and a baby is being born on my birthday this year and naturally speaking – for the first time in my life, do I really feel like I’m turning my age and hitting the first mile stone in my life on my Birthday. Most birthday’s throughout my entire life, were pretty similar – in fact the only birthday that was seemingly significant to me was my 21st birthday – in which I celebrated being with the Lord for 3 months in my relationship with Him. But this July a new person and a new chapter and a new opportunity is coming out  – not resurrected, but shaped, sculpted and handmade (brand new). And I’m more than stoked, because truthfully, I’ve never cried this much in my entire life. This whole year has been tears of dealing with my heart and being honest before God and letting Him work out the catacombs in my heart and breaking ground up to finally come to its original purpose: to bear fruit as the Spirit wills. I really appreciate you all for staying with me this far and I pray that if you feel the same loneliness that I’ve felt, Google www.biblegateway.com and search John Chapter 1 and start to ask the Lord to begin to reveal Himself to you. And don’t waste your time with God, He loves you. Dive into Him if you you’re hurting or hungry for more of Him and He will meet you where you’re at and bring you back to His banquet table, a place that you were born to be at.

This concludes part one of The Diary of The Lonely Heart the second installment of my 5 ‘freedom’ installments – and I invite you to dive into the poems and the rest of the project.

This is what I want to say to conclude this body of work. Being by yourself is not the same thing as being alone. There is nothing wrong with enjoying time spent without other people giving your life influence. In fact, you should plan that kind of time. But the void of feeling like you’ll never have anybody to share life with, or that no one cares about you, or that you’re not good enough, or that you’re not strong enough; are thoughts that breed poison into your life and baggage to your testimony. I’ve purposed in my heart that before I got married, I would let God strip me down and streamline my faith and my life so that I would really be an offering to my wife and before God. I want to be the best husband for her. I want her to have a new reason to fall in love with me every single day. I want nothing from my past, AT ALL, to try and come and choke out what we now have. And my prayer is that she does the same. And if she’s worth it like I’ve concluded that she is, then nothing will stop my investments in Calvary and in the Heart of God as well as her heart. I put my trust in the power that not only saves souls, but heals and restores hearts as well. And I can tell you today that the Lord really has been good to me in more ways than one and I’m in debt to continue my life in Him, because that’s really the only way to give Him maximum thanks and praise is to follow Him now that you’ve been adopted into His family. That was the hardest thing for me to understand. When my FCFC family broke up, I had many bouts with loneliness. Even though I had some people in my life that knew what I was going through, like I said earlier, I was a brat, and I wasn’t really satisfied because I was so mad at God for never giving me what I felt like I deserved. I mean come on God; this is the closest thing to family that I’ve ever seen! What are you doing? And why me and not another? Haven’t I gone through enough negligence in my life? Why doesn’t someone else feel this pain for once? Why can’t I have an off day? Why aren’t the other Christians around me having to live by the same thing? How come I can’t always say what I’m feeling? I want to say what I feel too! I want to have a safety net in someone to where I can express my deepest of shames and secrets and know that they won’t judge me, because they hold the reflection of my heart…
I would as God things like this from 2006-2012. And it wasn’t until now that He really brought me into a place of freedom and recompense that my heart truthfully, had been dodging because of the fear of being exposed. With the loneliness followed trust issues. I couldn’t trust anybody with my heart anymore, and before I moved to Tampa last September in all honesty, my heart was closed down for repairs. I shut it down. And up until this past Christmas break did I really learn what it means to get honest before God about the garbage of my past. All of my past. I had to break this mold and I had to find out what the Lord was telling me all along in His love letter to me, also called the Bible. He was telling me to truthfully let go, and let Him break me free and loose me from my past, and awaken me into this new life of perpetual celebrated freedom and declarations of faith, hope and love. And the greatest of these, is love.
You are not alone.
You are not forgotten.
You are not left for dead.
You have hope.
You have life.
And you are loved.
God knows your name, your circumstance, your likes, and your past.
And it still will not separate Him from pursuing you in your entirety.
In fact, you are the single most important person in the universe.
And no one can do what you can do.
Welcome to the Kingdom brothers and sisters.

The Diary of the Lonely Heart of Marcus Christopher Hollinger

Sunday, June 17, 2012

I've Opened Up My Heart, No Longer Scared

I've Opened Up My Heart No Longer Scared...
Not to steal an opportunity
Or create one out of thin air
Or even lie to myself
Like lust hasn't tried to subdue me
Instead I'd rather die first (now)
Like black guys in scary movies
If I bite the bait of chance
And monopoly
I fall into the trap of
Uncontrolled feelings relentless, and steadily toppling
Overboard of the capacity of my mind, will, and emotions
Fear used to grip me into this place
Of being socially frozen
It's compositions like Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
That beckoned my heart to reconcile and deal with my hidden sin...

My Father inspired and inquired
His words burning on my hearts alter like fire
The specificity was dire
And pin-pointed my position down to the wire
Now I sing like a choir
'Cause I wanna truly fall in love
I wanna take the risk and step out in faith
And join hearts to my best friend
I wanna love
With a passion
Like no one else is in the room
And without shame tell you softly "I will always love you..."
I love you!
No shame!
I'll say it again
You I Love!
And desire to hold and keep
Our song will be a procession played at the beginning of every week
Your words chase my heart down
Like sharks in scent of freshly spilled blood
'Cause my pursuit of you
Cripples my knees
When I think about your snug warm hugs
I wanna fit your prayer description
I wanna affirm to you what you asked the Lord for
I wanna be the only servant to my queen
Holding hands with her
Laying on the floor
And day dream about past times
Of fast crimes, smash lines, mad dimes - sad mimes
And plaid shirts by Calvin Klien
NOW cd's - old mp3's - and stories of VIP
played out DVD's - broken MPC's - and hopelessly planting apple seed's
Matching capri's - afro sheen - pepper mixed with macaroni and cheese
Patches on old tee's - your favorite color green - and why It's only me...
And not another one
I wanna walk the beach shores of St. Pete
And write compositions about your dispositions
Take you with me fishing
And sitting still by your lips, saying nothing
Holding steadfast
Just to merely listen...

Right now
The Lord told me to sow in tears for your hands to hold
Sow in brokenness
Sow in truthfulness
"Sow for your wife my son, SOW!"
Plant your seeds of tears and praise filled cheers
For her heart
Hold fast to my words
And you'll know how to keep her sound and safe
And she'll NEVER let you go
She'll be closer than any other
And tried and true beyond what you can even think to mention
I won't give her fully to you yet
There's reason for y'alls brief un-comprehension
I have to go bloom a choice flower
So in due season, you both, together, shall prosper
With a rare blossom that can with stand every trepidatious contention
Subdued with power
She will be
A picture of inward beauty
Holding a captivating chuckle
Like you like
She's the scent of your love
And the aroma of your heart, my son
She's the strength within your muscle...

She's the missing piece of my life's puzzle
The confirmation of my prayers
She's the breathe that's more fresh
Than a jet-blue pair of Nike Air's
My frankincense and myrrh
My sacrifice to you oh Lord
Our fruit will be a sweet smell
To your nostrils - to you we adore!
I worship you for opening my heart up
Unhindered this time
Not contaminated by the hurt of past relationships
Or doubts of the Devine
But a heart that's being mended, made strong by your will and word
An ambassador of heaven, yet ever so gentle with many verbs
I wanna kiss her lips
And taste the love
That I've forever longed for
Hold her hips close and snuggle tight
An embrace that
For her
That I'm strong for
I wanna be her confidant
Her look to
Her help
Her stability
Her everything
Her best of friends
The holder of her wedding ring
The daper dan
That's tan
Long lean and serene guarded with wisdom
Her favorite person
Her secret hid out
Singing to you your favorite songs
In cursive...
We'll work with our hands
And accomplish any and every task
And my thoughts she knows them
And to me, never has to ask
I wanna shower her with the same agape love that I've been given
I wanna paint iridescent colors in her heart,
With truth and not mere well-wishing
But wanna love her with zeal my Lord!
She's worthy of good honor and merit!
I'm made whole
I'm set free!
My heart will shine like gold!
This love - I'll always wear it
I'm made new by your recreation power!
To keep her, I'll be bold
And stand up for her
As she protects me
I'll guard her heart too
We once were one
But now I wanna be joined with the other half of my heart
To make the complete and perfect two...

When you arrived,
It was like an effervescent pleasant scent,
Elegant and effortless,
I swore that you were heaven sent,
Your love is mirrored to infinite
Your heart is limitless
I can't like it 'cause I love it!
Baby cakes :)
Far beyond discriminate 
And since it's so,
I'll sow into this miss,
Because I'm so into this miss, (get it?)
I've stepped it up
With the pep in my step of the Holy Spirit
I know you hear it!
He sings over our relationship
He motivates our lyrics
We're like a Sonny and Cher duo
Peaches and Herb
Love and trust
Faith and hope
F'real and dope!
I wanna be rewarded with the prize of your hands,
Looking back saying
Who would have known that it was God's plan,
For me to be your man..

.i love yo.u.
Frances Marie Stearns

Marcus Christopher Hollinger

Friday, May 18, 2012

immeasurable pain

i have no alternative motive to write this to you Lord
besides that fact that i want all to see what you saw
i want 'em to feel how i feel - now
and taste what ive tasted
when i found myself on my knees crying
over a life that was wasted
the computer screen i chased it
the lust of the flesh i basted
liked a cooking turkey
eyes glazed over
and needing a face lift
to collect my jaw off the ground
in awe of degradation
inspired by unlawful attire
and captivated by PlayStation
but i hid from you
you had been calling me for many 'a years
you even met me after i first asked you in..
in a bright light - despite my personal plight
you came right and correct
dodging all my physical perplex
and social anxieties
and my victim mentality
you chased me like a good husband does
and yes you found me...
but you spoke a promise that has already came
and yet to be predisposed
a mystery that boggles minds
of the young and the old...
you spoke a message of faith, hope and love
and the greatest of the 3
you spelled out
by showing me the events of Calvary
over shadowed by a white dove

mind dismantled by thoughts of what was to come 
you asked for help in intercession
from your brothers and your sons
but they fainted on you
and alone you dealt with a form of depression
capillaries burst
pouring out blood
a sweat filled insurrection
the trepidation began to creep in
and the enemy tried to sneak in with lies and intimidation
trying to break your concentration
but you stayed steady
but the mob came with haste and
snatched the son of man up
beginning his physical pain and aches
they socked you with low blows
high punches
and drop kicks
mocked you and spit on your face
saying "prophesy! from which did you receive your hit??!"
brought you before Caiaphas
to decide your ultimate fate
eventually leaving the place to see peter's
disheartened face
'cause you told him he would deny your presence
and with grieve and sadness
His head hung low
and they took you, and stripped you with mad hits
they beat you leather glass, metal
and pieces of pottery
the cat of nine tails bit your flesh
because of our debauchery
they flipped you over and commenced the physical torture 
from your shoulders to the back of your legs
to your torso to the tops of your thighs
with crimson, you were saturated with red
then they drug you off to see Pilate
the Jews cried to set Barabbas the murderer free
sadly, the emperor walked away and agreed
they twisted a crown of thrown to your already weaken brain tissue
and snatched the wool off your back
re-opening your wounds
making you walk 100's of yards to your death bed
sweat is mixing with blood
a loss of conception now has come in the flesh
they make you crawl to your cross
they're watching and laughing
and mocking and clapping
and staring and passing
the hammer
and the nails
the pieces of wood
locking you into place
beating each nail into your body
the image of a dying son Mary just can never erase
with a decline of brain activity
and chronic loss of bodily fluids
traumatic shock
and nerve damage
you heart couldn't go through with it
so it stopped beating
cardiac arrest is the cause of this death
yours beat for me until the end
of your very last breathe...

That why i serve you Lord
That's why i commit to you again
because you got up out of the grave
And followed me when i ran
You kept me secured in love
And washed me to make me a man
You taught me over and over again -
when i just couldn't understand
I see now that it takes a life to serve you rightly
It takes a commitment of honor and service
To worship the Right King
So I'll praise you in every lyric
Every song
Every exposition'
Every thing that i do
I know you hear me
I know you listen
I know you know my heart
And i know you made me
I know you found me and clothed me
You've known me since i was a baby
You counted me as your own when i wanted to take my life
You shown me worth and counted me in your number
I'm proud to be now called your wife....

thank you Jesus


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

(a.lone in failur.e) And That's My Testimony!

So here it goes...
My attempt to display my past in vivid color
From wishing to have a brother, to being loved my my mother
To hiding myself from the world under neatly folded covers
Convinced of not having worth
Wanting to commit suicide
Hating myself without any reason
Thinking I'm living just to die
I've had visions of being molested by my own youthful lust's
And being choked out by demons
Devilish activity running amok
In my mind
I tried to hide it and fight it
But i was divided
From my light source
I ran from my truth - that I had once abided
I tried porn to soften my pains
I never knew who I really was called to be
I made up in my own mind how i going to get there
Making mistakes relentlessly
Hating everyone around me
But smiling in there faces
Bitter towards God the Son
Who seemingly stolen all my fun
And wouldn't answer me anymore
Had He ever really listened?
'Cause im missing
There's gotta be a Amber-ALERT or an APB out
Some one on a mission...
But they never came to look for me
And i knew it was true
I was so sick and dried up on the inside
The only color I sustained was blue
I lost all of family
Lost my remaining friends
I thought that i had made it to a promised land
But failed once again
Ive been doped up on love songs
And lost in my emotions
Drowning in pools of unwant
Submerged under perilous oceans
Suffocated by fleeting beauty
Gaged by reels of lies
Beat up with blows of unfairness
Having my neck rung by spies
Being taken advantage of by opportunists
Of various types and sorts
Left for dead when they were through with my heart
They stabbed it with many swords

So i tossed my dreams away
And gave in to all the pain
I locked it down
(my heart)
And melted the key
Not letting anyone in ever again
I swore that i would never give myself to people
I cursed at the cross
And flipped birds toward the steeple
I judged the masses with class
And selfish dexterity
But little did i know
That the Lord was preparing me
He was setting me up for a spiritual awakening
And He let me act out all of my pain
Then humbled me restlessly
And on Christmas Day
I recommitted
My case He acquitted
And he blessed me with a vessel
To which I am now smitten

But this is the truth of my heart
The readers digest version
Because i have to release this off my chest
Before i go to join with another person
The Lord is matchless and perfect
And all praise is due
The the King
Who's my provider
And so to you
My life's song I'll sing...

Monday, January 2, 2012

The Codependency Project

.cod.py (beneath the ruins and ashes of codependency)
PART 1 – Introduction
What is Codependency? : in medical terms, it’s a psychological dysfunction that is identified by a person who is emotionally over-attached or psychologically dependent on the emotions, needs, concerns, and convictions of another person, while failing to receive the correct amount of affirmation needed, to live out one’s life from the inside out.
Codependency for me has been nearly, to the T, this and a various array of other things, a thorn in my side for as long as I can remember. For me, my codependency came from an early age of negligence and improper handling and upbringing. Both my father and mother have been working agents for my codependency, in different ways. My dad never really knew how to talk to me nor did he attempt empower me, because he’s been bound up from a lot of things for pretty much his whole life as well. My mom, in fear of stepping over psychological boundaries, or even finding the right balance of empowerment and guidance for me, also kept a lot of herself from me in my childhood and later life as well. It’s so hard to talk about this even now, because we, as a family, haven’t truly dealt with this stuff, ever. I mean it’s the very reason why people have demonic seeds also known as ‘generational curses’ that stay within families for generations in some cases. It’s sad but terribly true on many different levels.
My cod.py has also snuffed out a lot of relationships that I later justified as God weeding out people in my life that I didn’t need. This creates a lot of unnecessary baggage for when I really do come into contact with the people that I need. Because I’ve trained myself for so long to just deal with it in silence and justify it later; like being a walking internal time bomb, that’s constantly going off, with no one who knows about it, except for the victim. It’s very tough to deal with things like this, because it’s these psychological ailments that eventually drive people to want to commit suicide. They never establish a proper world view or even more important, a clear scope of who they are in Christ Jesus! The crazy thing about the Gospel that I’m learning, is that it’s near blasphemous to not understand who we are and who’s we are. It’s the corner stone of the Christian Faith to know that Christ is the author and the Finisher of our Faith. That He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him. He casts a shadow over His people in whom He loves and is well pleased with, to protect them from any harm that may try to befall their dwelling.
But yet this concept is so difficult to comprehend for us with cod.py. At least in the beginning it is hard to. Because this perspective invokes for a philosophic worldview on the way we should live our lives that we who have trust issues (major and minor) are too gripped with fear to really commit to. Every addict of something KNOWS deep within themselves that there is a reciprocal or a counter action for their condition. Just because they don’t acknowledge it with their actions, doesn‘t mean that they don’t understand that it exists – or at least HOPE that there must be something more to this life than wasting breath and looking good in pictures for their FB page.
When I was watching pornography, I always would compartmentalize my sin. Like this; (let me just go ahead and get this out of my system and be done with it. God knows that I haven’t the strength to bear this. Nobody else is gonna know except me and God. I’ve already looked with lust at those girls at work, and I knew this was going to happen sooner or later, why fight it now.) I mean the list goes on, but the point is this, as much as I wanted to come out of what I was going through, I counter acted it because of what I continued to train myself to justify. I knew watching porn was wrong, but deep down as bad as it hurt to watch it, wanted the feeling of being connected to a person who gave me there undivided attention at my call. And porn afforded me that. So I compartmentalized my sin and compromised the truth just so that I could have somebody’s attention, affirmation, care, and love. When you want something bad enough, you’ll stop at nothing to get it. And the root of my gaining attention from people was directly linked to my (cod.py) so why should I stop watching porn? Why should I stop being all up in a girls face all of the time? Why should I stop opening myself up, with nothing to truly empower another person with, and try to be friends beyond FB likes and comments…This is the dire truth of my heart and soul and the reason for my actions, relationships bitterness, anguishes, hurts, and a plethora of others that caused me to forget who I am when someone looks at me in the eye.
I put myself in jail to the person that even shows me that they might care for me, even a little bit. I give them the right to tell me what to do, what to say, how to act, when to go, when to call, how to sit, how to talk, where to be at, and you get the picture – I turn into a social slave and a walking martyr to society (secular and sacred) because of (cod.py) Even with FB book – I find myself measuring my worth and streamlining my social success based upon the fact that people like my status’ or comment on my video’s and view my profile – I did it with myspace. I’ve done it with basketball, middle school and high school friends, I've held on to it at birthday parties, doctors visits, pool parties, party invites, club appearances, staying the night at friends houses, asking for money, shaking hands, meeting people, conversations about music, youth groups, road trips, family visits, pep rallies, football games, beach side reflections, during church services, on stage, during the alter call, at work, in the parking lot, in the shower, in my bed, watching porn, cooking breakfast, reading a book, practicing my instrument, doing something someone else asked me to do. – And that’s just the immediate ones that I can think of. But the point is that this issue never leaves and it never sleeps. It’s a black cloud that follows, and while it’s over me it’s too dark to see tomorrow. It’s the purple elephant in the room of my soul that is inextricably woven into my thought process and determines how I think and live and move and have my being in Christ. It’s as active as my conscience is, honestly, because I wake up to it every morning of everyday... And that’s why I’m fighting back today with the scripture and with words unsaid...
This exposition is written to inspire and to encourage and also to both talk about the light that’s saved me and also what the light helps me see in this life (how to live). Originally, I was going to write a full blown dissertation but the Lord admonished me that this wasn’t necessary. So with that being said, I’m going to present a series of poems and SHORT stories that describe my life in dealing with codependency and how I came out of it. I hope you enjoy it and I pray that there’s something in here for you that provokes you to want to get closer to the Lord. So open your hearts and release your minds from the parameters of fiction and empty story telling your mind has been in tuned to from popular culture… You won’t need it!

Part 2
The Expositions

(b.ack stor.y) the first 3 poems were written out of a place of extreme bitterness and malice towards my biological father. In this time period, my parents and I were dealing with many woes and discrepancies between the household and our relationship with each other…This is what came out of it…)

(1) I don't even know why I feel this way
I feel as if I could hate you for the rest of my life
I get convinced that my dispositions are right - but its strife
That I'm fueled by, amped up to yell in your face
And tell you to like you told me, to go Hell and leave this place
I'm angry at your actions and I’m sick of fighting you internally
Every time I see your face my heart involuntarily starts to bleed
But I need you to listen
For once, tune your ears and understand me
Because I can't live like this and continue to call you family
I cant talk to you without wanting to make you pay for all the wrong things that you've done
That you did without thinking, and you done them to your son
For fun, maybe, but why then do I cry like a new born baby
Who's neglected but with your choice weapon of selfishness, I’m left perplex'ted
I feel naked and unusual or an unusable tool
I’m ostracized outside the city like a Samaritan
Jerusalem's fool
I’m unprotected and ill-witted
Unequipped in a world of monsters
But I’ve grown to realize that you're one of them
A thought that I didn't conjure - up
Or think on my own, its the produce of your own fore thoughts
It’s the fruit of your labor
But you walk around like a hardwired robot
Being swayed by popular cultures
A trapeze of endless twirls and circles
You follow anything that keeps you comfortable
And run from being exposed
And it sickens me!
I’ve hated myself because you seemingly didn't want me
I’ve wanted to die and be forgotten
And with your actions you said, "Go ahead...”
My condition is smitten, but lost and confused
Tossed and abused
Raped and molested
Festering and not connected
Head ached and falsely concepted
Maliced and biased
Forgetful and out of time
A liar without compliance
I’m a hardcore case of opportunity
I want unity
Only if it works for my good in the end
And my immunity
You won't speak I'll do more devious
I'll use the media to upset your precepts and tell you what’s next!
You can't get aggressive enough to stop me
I'll pop 3 with a prime NRA grip of choice
And make noise that men of war hate hearing
Yet are favorite toys for little boys
I’m not scared anymore, I’m fearless
And don’t try and stop me
I’ll retaliate with indignance that's filled with
Retribution and contaminated pen ship
I should mention that I can grow up on my own
Don't call me on the phone
To try and ask how I’m doing
Eventually you start calling me away, shooing...
I get angry till I’m blue in the face
Smurfed up with contusions and abased
Called your disgrace
And left for dead, and locked up into another place
I don’t even know who I am - or what I could be - or what I’ve become
I’m flying by the seat of my pants
In this mixed up world
But you brought me here and gave me nothing
Tried to hope that I would figure out on my own
And I have and I’ve hated you for it
'Cause I wake up, only to get hit by a forklift
And my dreams are constantly shattered
And I can't ignore it like you can
I just wish that you would love me
Whatever your battling, I wish you would give in
And come and hug me
I wish my mother felt comfortable with you
I wish you 2 would grow together
And die to each other’s rights and wishes
And become interdependent
But you're withheld and withdrawn
Holding it in and something’s wrong
And you refuse to talk about it
That's why I write this song.....

Because I’m sick of the silence
I wanna break free from my depression
Cause I’m in step with thoughts of topless females for my soulish medicine
Since 2008 til 2010
I acted out my debauchery and blatantly committed sin
I’ve been boxed up and trapped, choking on lies and all the while
No one questioned my integrity, or challenged what was behind my smile
I’m wondering why do I even have to cry like this
Why must I have to feel this silent pain that I can't tell to anyone
Why am I so alone
Why is there no person in my life that's willing to just sit and listen
Why must I go on lie this
Why do you still not care?
Why do I feel like you hate me?
Why do I feel like I hate you?
Why is there no truth?
And only compromise
Why has my heart, that I thought was always pliable and soft, turned into a breeding ground for unforgiveness and solitary confinement?

(2) Only a turbulent ocean
Can describe my current range of emotion
I’m so sick from life's concoctions and poisonous potions
But I’ll tattoo my face
With the facades of potent lotions
So you wont have to deal with what I’m feeling
You won't have to burden yourself
With my psychological condition
I’m like Michelangelo's depiction
Of an Adam reaching and clinging - striving for His intuition
But I’m stuck in a portrait
Standing still in my position
Against my will, I’m well-wishing
And I fell when grace was given
I’m disconnected from my home base
Stranded on an island
Where the natives chase me night and day
So to cope I’ve gone under-cover
I’ve adopted their customs
I’ve molded my will to theirs
Their burdens I now have
And dispositions I must share
I’ve traded what I thought I knew
For the powers of this age
I talk like they talk
And walk around in a prisoners shame
I’m a POW-U
A Prisoner of Words Unsaid
But they don't seem to care
Since I got their mark on my head
So as far as their concerned
I’m just like 'em
But underneath I’m fighting
A compromised heart
That’s married strife
All kinds of foul play
And hardships
My love-live tastes like hard chips
I’m stone cold
Like frozen cartilage of a narcissist
I’m stiff necked
And mad at the world
I feel left for dead
And gasping for my last breathe
I’m sweating bullets
Wondering if I’ll pass the test
But in this tribe
I’m dead already
‘Cause before I came in
I had a suicide letter written and signed
They knew the whole time what I was about
‘Cause I couldn't fight my hearts tugging
No matter how much I try to lie to myself
I was always struggling
Muzzling my desperate calls under my release of CO2…

(3) See everybody's a critic

Or very well a bigot

I feel like I'm trapped - in the Chronicle's of Riddick

Solider of an unseen movement - the mind to be specific

I wanna take back what was stolen from me,

And put it in hieroglyphics

So you'll be forced to understand the black man pain I campaign 'bout

I'll speak in parables with a vernacular

That 'ill make your brain clout


You don't deserve anything else from me

Nothing more nothing less

Than what I'm already giving you

'Cause your soul I detest!

You want me to live in a fabricated fantasy

Made up in your own mind

And my relief is entrapped by your canopy

Sometimes I wonder if you're wearing a white pillow case as well

'Cause you're a coward, a snake, a phony, a fake

A diabolical candidate

Of the catacombs of hell


You're ashamed of your own color

And abandoned me to your mother

And left me to find my own way into this society

Not wanting to receive a brother

I don't even know who you are

Much less where you been

Robbed me from strength within

I never know where to start


Because we share nothing but a name

And yet in this state

That was probable of never happening

Because they try to theft our identities

Only for the reason of hate....

And where do I go at this rate!

I wanna make my footprints for madea

and live the life she wanted for me

Yet you question "Langston what life'?"

Sadly...you really have no idea

Being a fatherless child is starting a slack in my wrist

I wanna be a strong man

But I'm always lacking the gift...



Spiritual poverty and soulish malnutrition

Is what my counterparts want to bring...

But I need a new nigga

For this black cloud to follow

'Cause while it's over me

It's too dark to see tomorrow

And so I weep for us both

Believing that the only TRUE judge will reconcile

The differences we have

And our separation reinforced by miles

But how can I be free

If I never forgive you?

Will I learn today?

Or will I secretly write through all of my works....

to be continued...

(.b.ack stor.y.) – These next 3 poems are the stories behind what qualified my needs for God’s Grace. In layman’s terms, the Lord showed me where my true hatred and strife was coming from. It was from within. My greatest enemy was my inner me. And because I couldn’t reconcile my difference’s, I turned to the outside and started taking swings at everyone else around me. I eventually self-destructed and turned back to pornography. This is what the Lord did to bring me out…
(4) And so it begins - the conscience within
Is stimulatively connected to sin.
I've tried to act like I've walked past it, but the pain is that which won't subside.
But an act of a patriarchal glorified 'do goodie' only proved me - in reality - to be a victim of good booties.
Watching Erica Campbell and licking my lips to the satisfaction of lust,
Never ever wanting to leave this place - never ever having enough.
I can taste in my atmospheric midst that surrounds / the reels / that continue to play the picture...
That I see with my eyes - visualizing myself with her.
Her in my hands - and continually rejecting God's plan - to stand firm and outstandingly pursuing the righteousness - that makes a sound man.
All the while I'm still salivating, waiting, contemplating and hesitating -
Plus my hearts racing
By the imagery - its my makeshift
I'm nearly fainting!
Cause it's realer than most - But I'm only like rocking the PlayStation.



So what do I want?
Love or Lust?
Lies or Trust?
Anarchy or Harmony?
Condemnation or Emancipation?

How do I figure out what ticks turn my tocks?
And how much faith do I have when faced with the cops?
Of my own personal prison cell of thoughts and motives
A motif of musical hierarchy -
And yet I just stroll in -
And out - back and forth
Wrestling with my advice -
To understanding wisdom
And with holy admonishment - never think twice.

But concerning the treacherous past
I've now inherited my forgiveness of being and opportunist
And never asking permission…

I know where my love lies in this day and time
It lies in truth and in integrity…
In patience and understanding.
In boldness and in valor.
In good report and in faithfulness.
In stewardship and in praise
In thanksgiving and in righteous dialogue.

In warm nights and in overcast mornings/
Sunrises and sunsets...

And in moments of youth - and in your safety I'm joining....

.righteous and forgiven, from my lecherous past.

(5) Your love for me intrigues
And dares me to try and breathe
A breath without your oxygen
Felling like a canopy without leaves...
.and yet you're deeper than the oceans.
You have a lake of fire
That's only meant to consume
The things you don't want your children to have
(That I keep locked away in a room / a closet / a catacomb / a notebook / a secret /
A violent act of indecent style behavior
Patterned to my sinful nature -
Born with this 'don't ask, don't tell'
Concerning my exact thoughts and motives,
Is what you said to give to the light
And now I'm exposed...
.and you're deeper than the oceans.
Yet the heterosexual tendencies - beg me to please
This yearning of the flesh, and to have a womb within possession
That's why when a she comes in my paths
I guess that's why I constantly ask
"Is she the one to raise my seeds from?"
Thoughts running fast - I fall into temptation half in half with hesitation
And let thoughts of compromise start to shift/drift into a wrestle
With my spirits right teaching
And my fluctuating feeling's that need Jesus' breaching.
'Cause she can never complete me like the Most High
Who is the Operator of Integrity
And Truth's untold by.
.and yet you're deeper than the oceans.
Afro-centric figures scattered across the political systems / arena /
Can't even compare to your sound wisdom
So one shouts 'Eureka!'
'I found it' and 'by George that Man's got it!'
Money Money Money MUNAHHH!!
But yet our envious heart is distraught-ed
See He's the Easter basket
The gift to us - the knowledge - the builder of rapport
The original race maturity ward
The giver of peace and love - strength and authority
The perfect special someone who's constantly crying
"Stop ignoring me..."
.and your love is deeper than the oceans.
We cannot comprehend this unconditional lovin’
That reads no shell size or colors
Just character and intent -
Knowledge will pass but wisdom lives on
And love will always prevail
Because of the rock that it's built upon
And I ask if you've ever seen a pair of eyes that my savior didn't die for?
Have you ever witnessed a dead child, whose mother couldn't cry for?

Have you closed your eyes
And imagined a day
That you could
.and fly away?

So can you beloved, even with eyes open today...
Plummet into the depth of His love for you...
.that's deeper than the oceans.

(6) The Savior Who Reigns!
See I'm lacking the vernacular
To adequately capture
His immaculate stature
And His love for Mary Magdalene
But still I grab this torch
And use His word as a lit match and then
Attempt to make an accurate depiction of His majesty

I'm glad it's He
That created the sun, moon, and stars
Who made a choice
That's actually
Broken these chains and melted these bars
Of religion and trepidation
The bed of Satan
Instead of waiting
He struck both sides of my mattress
With a mere statement
Remodeled the whole house
And made the cornerstone Christ Jesus
Evaluated my situation
And gave me the word that Paul spoke to the Galatians And the Ephesians....

Concerning the fruits of the spirit
Christian conduct and a life of worship
Why He died on my behalf
And my life to be in His surplus
He disrupted my circus
With a verse of true controversy
and said 'Nobody fears God..'
In listening to this it started to hurt me
Urking and Lurking in my hearts file cabinets and archives
Was the never ending truth
Of the Symphony of Heaven
He's alive and iridescent
Undisputable and irrefutable
Fully suitable to fit work
In a hard heart that seems un-do-able
I got a passion in the Son of Man
And a passion in His words
Passion that burns for His hands to grasp
My hearts every turn
And twist
And He remains anonymous
But I know him by His gift
For he greeted me with a kiss
And with obedience I'll honor Him.

All praise to the name
Of the Savior who reigns
He's taken our blame
And embraced all our shame
He's raised from the grave
So His fame we proclaim
Salvation by grace
Through faith in His name!

(.verse 2.)
The most prolific martyr
The who (who's) dwelling in unapproachable light
The God man Jesus Christ
His mandate repent and follow:
The steps of the elect
And wear His words on your chest and neck
Denounce the sin
And to lawlessness
Forever be vexed
His words holy and perfect
And His breathe like summer winds
He's the blessing without the cursing
And the one who's coming again!

He's kinda like
The messiah TYPE A
And ain't chemical concoction
reciprocating His Holy name!
He's the lime-light of Heaven
And the laminin of the Galaxy
He's suspending the earth
By the sound of His voice
But He close enough to say that He's proud of me
The best
Alpha and Omega
His touches leads to cardiac arrest
Captivating the inner man
while putting a hold on bodily functions
Freezing time to purge iniquity
From every submitting and willing persons
with an iron rod
He's sworn to bash the face of wicked mischievousness spirits
But at the same time
He blesses your soul...
Speaking to you via the Fathers Sacred and Holy lyrics...
See His love was shown through His death
He was suffocated and physically suppressed
By His anguish, He hung naked exposed and undressed
He cried out for my soul
And mediated for me before the throne
And hung His head, and bought my freedom,
The key to my doorway back home…


(.T.HE. c.onclusio.n)
My plan was for you all to see that my codependency was directly linked to my personal sinning against the people that I was directly involved with. It’s so crazy because the very thing that God used in my life to bring me closer to Him, is what I justified in walking away from Him. The very situation that was linked to my capacity to commit my various acts of transgression was the thing that God initially let happen so that I could learn how to trust Him and why I should trust Him. He created me! So why shouldn’t I put my trust in the fact that He is watching over me, that He will not let me get trapped or defeated by anything. He always makes a way for my escape in my time of temptation. But I ran from this, unknowingly because I was blinded by my sin. And in my sinning, the fighting back toward other people (parents, pastors, friends, etc.) that I ran with, I was really fighting the Lord. It was His humbling hand and His admonishment that I so required to have my true freedom to live and move and have my being in Christ Jesus. The Lord is my portion and the Lifter of my head. He is the Glory that I shout about and the Light that shines in my paths.
It’s the Lord people! The Lord that has brought me back into a place where I have no logical or biblical right to enter into; that’s why I had to be married to Christ! =) I was dependent on people and was hurt when they wronged me willfully or not. But I needed to be reliant on Jesus, that’s where my hope lies! And that’s the true only hope that has entered into the world that has any plausibility to make a ground-shaking, chain-breaking change today! My heart is healed and my heart is filled with a new passion and reverence again. I pray that every reader is encouraged not to seek a testimony or try to concoct something to feel like they’ve came over a major situation. Just dare to trust the Lord! A testimony comes after a test, and tests are coming at us everyday! So seek for an opportunity to exercise your faith. And if you’re struggling in life and don’t know the Lord, know this. He is not constrained by a building, by an ideology, or by another person’s experience. The Lord wants consume you right where you are; in your room, or wherever. Ask Him to heal your broken heart, ask Him to forgive you, ask Him to restore your relationships, ask Him for His heart – ask Him to encounter you!
Grace and Peace Friends!
Marcus Christopher Hollinger

.cod.py (beneath the ruins and ashes) (codependency)

• Track 1 – Identity Theft
• Track 2 – Codependency
• Track 3 – Around the way girls
• Track 4 – the Pornography Portal
• Track 5 – Propaganda, Pessimism and Photoshop (the Media)
• Track 6 (Hidden Track) – A New Voice

I hope and pray to all that downloaded this body of work will receive clarity, truth, and direction pointed toward the throne room of Heaven, because that’s really my intention behind this. Honestly, this could be one of the most difficult things that I’ve ever done in my life. Partly because it’s such a deep topic in my heart and a rigorous battle I fought for my entire life; but I know with exposing my true nature, allowing Jesus to fill up my body again and regurgitating it back out into a lost and hurting world, not only will God get the glory, but in Him being glorified, He will completely bless your soul and allow you to come to Him to receive all that He has for you. He just wants your heart. Even it’s been broken and wounded like mine has, even if it has other lovers like mine had. Even when you think that he doesn’t want you anymore like I did. He simply wants you to see Him for yourself, and with expositions like mine, my goal is to aid you in seeing Him better, by understanding your conditions in the process. I’ve found that the more I understand God, the more I understand what place my circumstances should take. And the clearer I see Him, the more muddy the things of this world that try to separate me from His love become. And the more Faith I have, the freer I become. And the more truth I adhere to, the more fulfilling I become in His presence where there is fullness of Joy!
But I could go one all day really – lol. But each track represents a dominant issue I faced through my struggle and the music, as you will see, is constructed as an auditory painting of the subject matter presented. Enjoy your flight! – Shalom!

I really hope you all have enjoyed this expository work from yours truly. This truly has been my first piece of official work that I have ever produced and distributed to other people. Funny thing is, when I was writing most of this stuff, I had no clue that I would one day present it to anyone for any reason, because I was convinced that no one would really care about what I was going through much less who I am or what I do. This justified the push for this to be presented to you. I honestly don’t care if only 2 people read and download the music or if 2,000 people do I just knew that I had to be obedient and give the Lord praise for what He’s doing. It does my soul such a good work to know that this project literally took my lifetime to be birthed and 6 years to ultimately write out. It’s exceedingly difficult for me to sit back and act like God ain’t sovereign. Because without Him the confirmation in my freedom wouldn’t be possible it actually wouldn’t exist; because apart from Him freedom is impossible to ascertain. In fact apart from the work of God in my heart, there’s nothing good in me that deserves anything righteous that he’s bestowed upon me. Nothing I possess that can persuade His love to come upon me. I love Him now because He first loved me. He has taught me how to love and He has taught me how to forgive. His voice has forced a stop to my dissention and perniciousness. My personal sinning drove Him out of my life, and because of my selfishness, I kept Him at bay. I locked Him away from my soul because I didn’t understand His great love for me and how far and how deep it runs for my soul. He loves me so much that in my wickedness, in my hatred; He waited for me to come back to Him. He waited like a Father whose child has been away and desires for a touch from His son again. To grab His face and kiss it. To put a ring on his finger and put a robe on his back and to feed him and to put him at the end of the table next to Him. That’s what Jesus has offered to me for inflicting wounds upon Him and crying out crucify Him along with the Sanhedrin and the religious establishment of 30 A.D. I cried set Barabbas the murder free, when I committed sexual sin in the back of my car 3 summers ago. I cried crucify Him, when I hated everything about my father and my mother and wouldn’t forgive them for their mistakes and short-comings. I scoured Him on His chest when I gave a false testimony to people. I spat in His face, when I gave up on my calling and ran from Him… And I watched Him bleed when I sat in my room alone for days and built up strife towards people, hating them for what they didn’t do, or didn’t say to make me feel like another human being…
He cried Father forgive him, for he knows not what he does, and He referenced me. Not somebody else, not someone strong enough to handle a harsh word…Just Me. marcus. Not matter what I did or said, He forgave me and loved me. So to you the reader. This is my story of tragedy and triumph, that has met Jesus at the foot of His alter…