(1)-so recently, i completed an African American Literature project, and the topic was Langston Hughes. Wonderful writer and i encourage some of you who have only heard about him to go and pick up some of his poetry and dig in and decipher his messages and colloquialisms. But this poem i wrote and recited in class, is an in depth summary of Hughes relationship with his father and how it played a role in his socialization process and his role in the Harlem Renaissance. This is my version of what i think was going through his head during the time, but of course, i had to put a modern twist on it with the use of merging hip-hop with common poetic literacy - enjoy!
See everybody's a critic
Or very well a bigot
I feel like I''m trapped - in the Chronicle's of Riddick
Solider of an unseen movement - the mind to be specific
I wanna take back what was stolen from me,
And put it in hieroglyphics
So you'll be forced to understand the black man pain i campaign 'bout
I'll speak in parables with a vernacular
That 'ill make your brain clout
You don't deserve anything else from me
Nothing more nothing less
Than what I'm already giving you
'Cause your soul i detest!
You want me to live in a fabricated fantasy
Made up in your own mind
And my relief is entrapped by your canopy
Sometimes I wonder if you're wearing a white pillow case as well
'Cause you're a coward, a snake, a phony, a fake
A diabolical candidate
Of the catacombs of hell
You're ashamed of your own color
And abandoned me to your mother
And left me to find my own way into this society
Not wanting to receive a brother
I don't even know who you are
Much less where you been
Robbed me from strength within
I never know where to start
Because we share nothing but a name
And yet in this state
That was probable of never happening
because they try to theft our identities
Only for the reason of hate....
And where do I go at this rate!
I wanna make my footprints for madea
And live the life she wanted for me
Yet you question "Langston what 'life'?"
Sadly...you really have no idea
Being a fatherless child is starting a slack in my wrist
I wanna be a strong man
But I'm always lacking the gift...
Spiritual poverty and soulish malnutrition
Is what my counterparts want to bring...
But I need a new nigga
For this black cloud to follow
'Cause while it's over me
It's too dark to see tomorrow
And so I weep for us both
Believing that the only TRUE judge will reconcile
The differences we have
And our separation reinforced by miles
But how can i be free
If i never forgive you?
Will i learn today?
Or will i secretly write through all of my works....
to be continued...
Spring 2009
We're more alike than you think. Just read throughout these compositions and tell me I'm wrong... .S.olus Christu.s. .s.incere8.8.

- Marcus C. Hollinger
- This is my formal and yet informal writing hub, that I use to express all of my feelings and thoughts from my past life to my life currently. I write part time but I plan to be as consistent as possible to publish my poems and short writings here for you all.
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