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Sunday, July 10, 2011

the Cool (part 3)

Upon receiving what I was given
Came a practical test
The thoughts were provoked
Causing reason to undress - the state of mind
To use these creative lines to kick push glory and honor
Minus the no skating signs.
The black cloud that followed
Continually perplexed me and warranted and Exodus from this heat
He who reigns - allowed this test
The battling, the purging, the rightstandable mess
But the flesh said to second guess
Create reason in your own way of thinking
You can justify drinking
You can chill in the furnace of lust - must - and bust-downs
Clandestine motives inside a mask - can't trust clowns.
But I was one of them - with a lock-down on feeling's
Mad when one stepped too close and closed on dealings
Plus an injury to pride - letting the enemy inside
Wondering and asking - where's my refuge to reside?


Sick of turning admonishment to envious actions
B-Boy climaxin'
A strong satisfaction -
Holding the book of the law
And the key to deliverance
I might as well have been in active -

So these dreams become sappy
Over-lapping my satisfaction
Always taking me to way back when
I was laughing -
Enjoying the constant presence of people
Being too familiar with this scene - gesture were lethal
Every pupil was a lie to my heart
So any friendship was "Kurtains!"
Reminiscing of Bogart
Malicious maerial violence
And this conventional silence
-i walked with-
Transcended a theoretical science
More than science fiction
I kept my clients fenced in
Using puppet shows to gain my attention
Yet disabling the lights and microphones
Leading to a self-inflicted lynching.
Because i didn't wanna live anymore...
And who would batted an eye - upon my outro.
But I bet If I was trendy enough -
You would have let me sport the gaucho's
Even if I was in the game
What would our hearts be saying?
Would it hold the harvest of the fruits of the spirit?
Or would you still just be playing?

Would we still be wearing masks
- I wonder -
Say if I was passed on
Or would a change happen that would finally turn the 'LIVE' - (life or light) on?

And so in a rut a sat complacent
And ruled by an illusion
Were thoughts and motives seemed to cause constant contusions.
Not even a piped dream to spare - just cold brisk pristine air...
"But then a hand came from heaven
and knocked me off my ride
And spoke the word of second chance
if I would only abide
I couldn't see it but I tried
I was broken down, so I cried
He exposed me to ME
And there wudn't no where to hide
He said 'I blinded you for a reason
Now your vision is mine
It will happen in my season
I hold the sands of time
I wrote your first rhyme
I gave you the gift to sing
I spoke to word you're preaching
I brought the anointing
Now i command you to stand...
My strength is in you...
You will remember why you started and continued...'"

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