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Sunday, July 10, 2011


not faith in my abilities
but faith in a divine artillery
with infinite solutions that complement the author
and prove to be conducive

from start to finish
only the recipient of the Godly premonition
can correctly circumvent the snares and the fires
of always being lonely

it's the belief in the unseen
and yet the hope that it's incarnate
tangible evidence might be voided
but its mildly circumstance - hardly

peace be unto the man who rejects vanity: trying to save face
he walks to un-grieve the creator, and seeks to please with faith

Fall of 2008

the Cool (part 4)

Because this 'cool' is now over
'Thus sayeth the Lord of Hosts'
Your past doesn't define your future
So murder - by gones be by gones
Let it go - Let it breathe - Let it sing
Let me in and let it be
Let my spirit in for keeps
And let not your heart be -
Troubled - for I am with you
Always stand firm to this truth - Doubled
When your facing challenges
Know I let them in for the growth of your character
And I'm preparing for you a help-meet
And you're gonna ask to marry her.
But I need your heart first
Only I can quench your thirst
So remain steadfast -
Even when your heart wants to burst!
Become my bride to be
When you shed tears, cry for me
And I will see, and I will keep every appearance
cause you - I will seek.
O Father - reconcile my differences
And teach me how to speak
'Cause every time! I need your matchless touch
Without you - it's just so hard to breathe.
And you're so good, timeless, affectionate and unfading
To be in the embrace of Jesus Christ - This body I'm abating
Lessening the physical
To meet you in the skies
And lavish on your loving kindness - wrapped in a spiritual high
Where you complete my life's purpose
I stand before you in a robe
A wedding cape you made for me
Making me a star in your show
Prepared to worship and selected to shabback and praise
Was this man in my position
And I give you the rest of my days
I love you like no other
You're a true husband - Rabbi
And a mother...
And with my eyes closed in your presence
I'm taken abstract display of various colors.
That form a rainbow
Not suitable for most
But you formed it as an symbol of agreement
That we'll always be close
Never again will I part ways or decide double-minded
'Cause I share the Love of the Father - And I can't hide it!
I'll learn how to be wed in the natural Father - to a woman
And forever we'll be joined to you - with no worries of plummet.
But let our praise be like drumming!
And the clashing of symbols -
Electric guitars over organ solos
Mixed with brass-pipes and Steinway piano
With the joyful ring of harmonica
And MPC break beats
And wood blocks and tambourines
Make praises as we holler and sing!
Let foot stomping and hand clapping
And African style dances
With burnt offerings and burning incense
Stir up your nostrils Champion!
Let ukulele and violins partnered by harps in your orchestra pit
Make you jump off your throne in response
When you hear your worship lit!
May my drum kit, keyboard,and beat-boxing by mouth -
Create the holy sounds of honor
That are yours without a doubt.

.thank you King of Glory.

.the body of Christ.
genuine yet regarded as impostors
known yet regarded as unknown
dying and yet we live on
beaten yet not killed
sorrowful yet always rejoicing
being poor yet making many rich

having nothing....
and yet possessing everything....

.Marcus. .Christopher. .Hollinger.


the Cool (part 3)

Upon receiving what I was given
Came a practical test
The thoughts were provoked
Causing reason to undress - the state of mind
To use these creative lines to kick push glory and honor
Minus the no skating signs.
The black cloud that followed
Continually perplexed me and warranted and Exodus from this heat
He who reigns - allowed this test
The battling, the purging, the rightstandable mess
But the flesh said to second guess
Create reason in your own way of thinking
You can justify drinking
You can chill in the furnace of lust - must - and bust-downs
Clandestine motives inside a mask - can't trust clowns.
But I was one of them - with a lock-down on feeling's
Mad when one stepped too close and closed on dealings
Plus an injury to pride - letting the enemy inside
Wondering and asking - where's my refuge to reside?


Sick of turning admonishment to envious actions
B-Boy climaxin'
A strong satisfaction -
Holding the book of the law
And the key to deliverance
I might as well have been in active -

So these dreams become sappy
Over-lapping my satisfaction
Always taking me to way back when
I was laughing -
Enjoying the constant presence of people
Being too familiar with this scene - gesture were lethal
Every pupil was a lie to my heart
So any friendship was "Kurtains!"
Reminiscing of Bogart
Malicious maerial violence
And this conventional silence
-i walked with-
Transcended a theoretical science
More than science fiction
I kept my clients fenced in
Using puppet shows to gain my attention
Yet disabling the lights and microphones
Leading to a self-inflicted lynching.
Because i didn't wanna live anymore...
And who would batted an eye - upon my outro.
But I bet If I was trendy enough -
You would have let me sport the gaucho's
Even if I was in the game
What would our hearts be saying?
Would it hold the harvest of the fruits of the spirit?
Or would you still just be playing?

Would we still be wearing masks
- I wonder -
Say if I was passed on
Or would a change happen that would finally turn the 'LIVE' - (life or light) on?

And so in a rut a sat complacent
And ruled by an illusion
Were thoughts and motives seemed to cause constant contusions.
Not even a piped dream to spare - just cold brisk pristine air...
"But then a hand came from heaven
and knocked me off my ride
And spoke the word of second chance
if I would only abide
I couldn't see it but I tried
I was broken down, so I cried
He exposed me to ME
And there wudn't no where to hide
He said 'I blinded you for a reason
Now your vision is mine
It will happen in my season
I hold the sands of time
I wrote your first rhyme
I gave you the gift to sing
I spoke to word you're preaching
I brought the anointing
Now i command you to stand...
My strength is in you...
You will remember why you started and continued...'"

the Cool (part 2)

So out of adherence and admonishment
Passed down from the Father
I strengthened my heart
And trained my mouth to follow.

The after works of the Disciples
Paul and peter to be exact
Finishing the book of Acts
And becoming disciplined and apt.

It's all too familiar - when i recollect and think back
Of the passages and sermons I listened to, but didn't pack
Any words of wisdom and courage and patience and obedience
Characteristics of a disciple - but portraying to be a comedian.

Comical because in the spot-light
I tried my derndess to convey righteous activity
But in the trials and tests I needed to pass
I proved only to be in captivity.

Never too much heartfelt training
Yet trying really hard to be His best
Condoning my conception of love
Leading to a spiritual cardiac arrest

No understanding of who I am
Where I was
Or what I'm called to be
Being fermented and scrubbed to showmanship
To ultimately preach - the breach of my normal brain tones
Soiled with slave moans
And degradation of the fruits of the spirit
No pain - No gain - No more.

But you said recently to stop crying
Stop flying - Stop denying
Stop false claiming supplying
Stop contemptuously underlying

Now is the training process that will never cease to diminish or end
Training me - in the here and now on how to be a winner again.

And so from the admonishment
In reality 'iman adherent
I'm blessed by the favor
I 'HAVE' been given clearance.

To be a student to the heavenly Rabbi
Who gave His life for misfits
Since He died for you
Why not live for Him?

And recite His words with no difference
That's why a disciple is trained - in the scholarly Orthodox Doctrinal Traditions
So we can become disciplined through Christ
With the discernment of what to raise kids in.

.No Doubt.

the Cool (part 1)

Of course it's just a portion if my normal frame of evolution
Cause contusions to an envious, lust propelled - contaminated illusion
OF a foul mind, interested only in a fallacy
That over time develops in a monumental cavity.

So shall it appease you to know,
That in mind - body - and soul
That I'm likely to warrant you to question which direction
I choose for a road?

I know I have - cause I knew not the direction to ply my fields
Which landmass or plantation would grow,
By the shedding if tears.

No storybook end - Hansel and Gretel
Or Canterbury Tales -
Beowulf and Grendel
Or sorcerers casting spells /
To free or reform a change and give a new name
By pulling a sword from a stone
Having the most honorable pain.

But the prelude to this story
Starts defying the natural laws of reason and sense
So 'the cool' im leaving to get
The final stage of this cleaning -
My reason to quit - (this)
*making of my master plan*
*developing a disastrous man*

*and though the problems come faster -
I'm hungering after -
His spirit which brings the laughter again.*


A Ceremony to my Wife (original)

(1) and as the flower unfolds - im stunned in awe of the silhouette of God's spirit and i wanna get near it
geared up - panting - hands sweating - heart thumping to the drum loop, without regrets and I
circumvent my sinful nature and submit to understanding - a reprimanding act to what might jeopardize our holy dancing / and yet we're chanting a new song to the Lord of Hosts / here we can win!

here we close out other people's stereotypes and embrace each other for the love - not the hype
not for gaining attention for the eyes of human beings / but for Holy matrimony the agreement of the evening
the bond for all eternity - with her I'm not adjourned see - cause she's blessed with the gifts of the one maternally
the breeding ground of life and the nurturer of my descendants / my child's first teacher and to my heart she's the winner

(2) I've seen some cold nights and rainy days - and now I have the chance to praise He who gave me you - and I'll sing for you and He for the rest of my remaining days
and I do it with purpose - so the wells of my spirit erupt and wash over this surface
spilling out to your shore line - replenishing the earth - and making your favorite scent - im your frankincense your murr
but when i entice - im free from the lust of the past - I bring you a clean offering, and for our lifetime - it lasts
Resilient to any attacks, so to the snares we laugh - cause our reinforcement is an unseen force that always watches our back
And with the fruits of the spirit, we're given each other's heart to mend one another - the triumph can you hear it?
Can you hear the trumpets blow! and shouts of excitement - the Father Face it glows!
Pleased with our coming together for this appointed time today - we shed tears at this alter - which to each other, is how we pray.

(3) so truly i have to say that im financially sound from jade
an ambassador to Dr. 'YEH' (yahweh), so I shabback and give God the praise!

dance like nobody's watching, and begin your declarations
grab your flags and wave them - running - a walking decoration

release to me your will and emotions - and loose yourself with I
follow me to the rivers of life - the streams that justify

let the flame for me burn uncontrollably - because the actions thereafter now are holy
my rib joined back to guard my heart to stay - only one climax to our story

our kisses will be unexplainable, for when we meet - we're lost and yet we are found
beautiful in every place that I've seeked - and I know what i found

heartfelt is only a small way to explain my longing - innermost
cause until now - I've longed for you to be back - back to your home.

let the ember of our souls - relax and roll
and turn both our hearts - into diamonds, rubies, and gold.

O' lovely serene and good hearted virtuous help-meet
and stand by my side - completed - as the finished product to Jehovah-Nissi.

Early 2009

The Harlem Renaissance

(5) Hip-hop and you don't stop -
Rocking to the beat that compresses, like cough drops
My jaw drops!

When small shops and mall cops distract my attention
Walking street corners then my call drops

I'm facing a symbol of ambiance
A descriptive picture
Of the Harlem Renaissance.
Prostrated by nine caryatids
Is a Steinway replica - Jazz music's apparatus.

Leftovers? - Never that...
A chance to expound? - I'll take it back...
Cause when I Look across 110th street
I embrace my past.

I'm reflecting off the sound of the brass pipes
From Cab Calloway, to Count Basie
That seemed like it was playing last night.

Even the prohibition couldn't silence your movement
From the poems to the expansion of culture
My body's in tuned with.

And it's marching to the beat of a different drum
Away from the 76ers diplomatic song
a self-worth manifestation.

This conception mastered the full - revelation
That harmonizes spirit - soul - and body.
(cause that's the key)

And so the playwrights live on
Through song and dance
And replenish our minds
When we join together again...
Simply clapping our hands.

.the harlem renaissance.


Mind Power

(4) Tip-toeing through the sands of time, i issue a reproof of the conditions of the mind.
Issued by the false media and rhetorical politicians, sidewayz theologians, wicked wizards and math mathematicians.
My psyche evaluation had been corrupted by a nation - constructed by the foulest hating - which ends up with a medallion-ed plaintiff.
To fight against people like me, who's sick and tired of being lonely - who was convinced that nobody's gonna try to even hold me.
With reverse psychology in mind, the plaintiff enters the court office room - with the topic in mind to cause brain hurricanes and thought monsoons.
Rhetorically flinging words at me with an Oxford education, confusing the mess outta me, so i chain up in contemplation.
Am I cool - calm - and collective as these words provoke and stimulate my brain storms - suppose I grab the remote - and flip back to something wholesome but I find my way back to FOX News - with an action - obsessive compulsive.
Not addicted - but invited
Always curious - so i tried it
Internally - i tried to fight it
But i gotta address it - I can't hide it
The propaganda was fuel to my lustful compositions - of race and politics - two issues incredibly heinous.
To my neurological stimulative procession activities my inherited authoritative e gestures that i use to fight my enemies...

.mind power.

See im developing through favor - His words eviscerate like light sabers
pulling atoms apart - from the conformist to the cradle.
The conformist who's set in his ways of racism, bigotry, idol worship and institutionalized prisons.
The cradle where early life is nurtured and the innocent life form - is ultimately hurt less -
Miles and miles and MILES away from mourn.
As billions before me, I've laid in the post natal infant condition - a prerequisite for childhood where i learned the prohibitions.
But my embargo act of the rules taught before puberty - I pray breaks conceptional chains - and warrants to likewise come to the prostration and call His name.
The giver of life isn't man nor woman - the real soul bearer confides in an omnipotent trinity - that's now real to me.
My mind has shifted - reconducted a new truth - that I was never last and never forgotten - And everyday - seeks to renewal.
So a demon cant win cause im the champion a modern day Moses and Martin Luther King.
Who didn't have much to offer but his soul and service - And his life was the reciprocal, the opposite of worthless.cause we've surfaced the flood waters of "i cant do" - but by the renewal of the mind my hearts brand new.
No more mindful bad traffic - which is a bad habit - like back stabbing or concealing a ghat ratchet covered by the Teflon next to a hatchet.
So to Lucifer, i throw you a curve - and i know you cant catch it / cause your hiatus is eternal your forever perplexed kid.
He called - and I answered.
And then He released - and gave me the key, from this social prison where I wondered ,to you, how to speak.
I wondered how to keep a promise to the one that I loved most dearly, sincerely - praying - questioning if He can ever really hear me.
But the clarity is now - so I break the walls of inhibition.
And I'm now free to love, work and grow with a single hindrance.

.Set Free.
and then

and blessed...
blessed with -
.Mind Power.

Sometime in 2008

Gambian Princess

(3) Adopted the name of a slave ship as her first
And the last was from 'massa /
A Gambian princess sparked a revolution
For the conformity of the masses.

Sold as an insignificant piece of chattel
With only expectations to work /
Was this Gambian Princess - and the seller was masked from her worth.

His intentions were quite different than what the Lord had in mind /
He wanted to make boldness, and valor
A woman who could stand and fight!

And she stood the test of time
And was taught to read and rhyme
Admonishment from Latin, the Holy Bible -
And the hope of the divine.

After half a decade of learning
You took the feather to the paper
And put the literary techniques to work for you -
I can still taste it's remnant vapor.

Yet they challenged you again
And said "You can't be a true author!"
"Prove to us now you have the capacity of a Rhodes Scholar!"

So you stood in the judgment pew
And sang your heart like a canary
Bold as a lion -
A servant of the Son of Mary.

Even the commander and chief
At the spark of the Revolution
Said your writing's complete and solve -
And gives America the correct diplomatic transfusion.

Though you died young - And lost two of your children
And had a husband that fled..
We remember you as a patriarch of words unsaid...

Gambian Princess live in our memories - vividly -
And show us how to let the caged bird sing!
And understand that, to the table -
Everyone has something of value to bring.

South of Sierra Leone is your birthplace - area's were robbed here - stripped of it's diamond's
But we were given another precious jewel
That was brought in the right timing.

.Gambian Princess.
.Phillis Wheatley.


Martin Luther King Jr. (a reluctant Hero)

(2) A reluctant hero is he - and i am him - and he is me
because spiritually we're the same being.
He talks when my hands sing..I'm envisioning the future great works, that right now are unseen.
Am i living a legacy of another man's dram or just moon walking skillfully through a passage of greens - blues - reds - oranges - yellows - violets of a rainbow that signifies peace in our existence.
An oil painting constructed marvelously thanks to Rembrandt - a masterpiece.
A work of art that truly took time -
and when the finished product is complete, heavenly light shines.

But how?
What was his story?
Where did he get this glory?
Were there mishaps or bad things?
A blood and guts story?
Who were the actors?
When did this change take place
And how did you portray love and over throw hate?

How did you stand taller than many other fortified places - and stay encouraged in the breeding ground of white supremacist racist's......
A reluctant hero is he and i am him - cause ever since God spoke my story begins.
Through examples you told me to go within, to judge a man's character - cause many of us is shady - we're gray - and our lights will dim.
Because we haven't chose sides, selfish with our ambitions - drugs money and lust undeniably common missions.
- but we chose the sane route - but i admire your perseverance you could have been killed everyday you stepped foot out the house
but you fought face to face with death and hate, and to this fire brought a still frost.

A reluctant hero is he and i am him
I'm living earthly promises - blessed beyond the benjamin's
I'm living what he said he saw
During a midnight hours dream,
I'm living free in a lifetime
of a multitude of dreams.
Thanks to you any man can rightly have an Afrocentric Queen
any race - any religion - everyone - every being.

O reluctant one who lead many to a new way of living and a new way of thinking,
Thank you for your help, and thank you for the consistent friendship -
cause forever our spirits our breed through kinship.

Sometime in 2007-2008

Unforgiveness (in the Mind of Langston Hughes)

(1)-so recently, i completed an African American Literature project, and the topic was Langston Hughes. Wonderful writer and i encourage some of you who have only heard about him to go and pick up some of his poetry and dig in and decipher his messages and colloquialisms. But this poem i wrote and recited in class, is an in depth summary of Hughes relationship with his father and how it played a role in his socialization process and his role in the Harlem Renaissance. This is my version of what i think was going through his head during the time, but of course, i had to put a modern twist on it with the use of merging hip-hop with common poetic literacy - enjoy!


See everybody's a critic

Or very well a bigot

I feel like I''m trapped - in the Chronicle's of Riddick

Solider of an unseen movement - the mind to be specific

I wanna take back what was stolen from me,

And put it in hieroglyphics

So you'll be forced to understand the black man pain i campaign 'bout

I'll speak in parables with a vernacular

That 'ill make your brain clout


You don't deserve anything else from me

Nothing more nothing less

Than what I'm already giving you

'Cause your soul i detest!

You want me to live in a fabricated fantasy

Made up in your own mind

And my relief is entrapped by your canopy

Sometimes I wonder if you're wearing a white pillow case as well

'Cause you're a coward, a snake, a phony, a fake

A diabolical candidate

Of the catacombs of hell


You're ashamed of your own color

And abandoned me to your mother

And left me to find my own way into this society

Not wanting to receive a brother

I don't even know who you are

Much less where you been

Robbed me from strength within

I never know where to start


Because we share nothing but a name

And yet in this state

That was probable of never happening

because they try to theft our identities

Only for the reason of hate....

And where do I go at this rate!

I wanna make my footprints for madea

And live the life she wanted for me

Yet you question "Langston what 'life'?"

Sadly...you really have no idea

Being a fatherless child is starting a slack in my wrist

I wanna be a strong man

But I'm always lacking the gift...



Spiritual poverty and soulish malnutrition

Is what my counterparts want to bring...

But I need a new nigga

For this black cloud to follow

'Cause while it's over me

It's too dark to see tomorrow

And so I weep for us both

Believing that the only TRUE judge will reconcile

The differences we have

And our separation reinforced by miles

But how can i be free

If i never forgive you?

Will i learn today?

Or will i secretly write through all of my works....

to be continued...


Spring 2009