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Monday, February 9, 2015

The Enemy in the Mirror

The Enemy in the Mirror

Some days I hate you.
Most days I can’t stand you.
My only competition in this race called life,
And all my efforts are to sedate you.
Frustrate you
Make you unhinged
Beat you at mind games
Play and toy with your emotions
As I pull and tug your chains.
Attempting to make you go insane
And self-destruct
Running amok
Dangling a carrot in front of your face
Only promising success to you by luck.
As I tempt you and trick you
Lie to you and hide from you
While I circumvent your every persuasion
Causing your constant hesitation.
Your constant bouts with trepidation
Can only lead to one explanation
That your wounds are the fruition
Of another man’s premeditation.

So I’ll boast high and wide
That my trophy will suffice
Even though it foreshadows the man whose winnings
May turn to demise.
Even though we collide
I take pride in beating this guy
The biggest loser of all time
And my most favorite of goodbyes.
The itch I can’t wait to scratch
The birth place or hatch
Of my most diabolic schemes and plots
Aimed at the brim of his hat.

But how long must I dis-join my body’s different members
To strike this opponent
Leaving him under my surrender?
He doesn't even fight me back
Not a single swing or punch
I've tried making him cough up
His yesterday’s lunch.
But he doesn't even buy it
All the while I feel his cold hard stare
As I attempt to thrust him in the air
And send him air borne
Crashing to the concrete
Helpless in defeat
I even try to rub dirt in his face
As gravel crackles under my feet.
Vibrant am I
Never discreet
As I raise my hands in victory
Only to be standing over a man

That will always look like me.

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