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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Pornography Project

.s.incer.e. (88) presents:

The Pornography Project

And out of that hopeless attempt has come nearly all that we call human history—money, poverty, ambition, war, prostitution, classes, empires, slavery—the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy.”

Clive Staples Lewis – ‘Mere Christianity

There is a great difference between what we define as Joy and what we define as Happiness. To be happy, is an emotional state of satisfaction, that’s subject and constant with an occurring circumstance or idea. For instance, I can always look forward to the Holidays because of all of the wonderful gifts I have the opportunity to receive and give, the music, the culture, I get to see my family, I love the scent of pine trees and Apple-Cinnamon candles and the like. The Christmas season makes me feel happy! And you can tell that it’s my favorite time of the year! Why? Because I know such much about it? Not necessarily; I just know, explicitly how it makes me feel, whether or not I know the details of its Pagan roots or not. But never the less, I can look forward to the Holidays bringing me cheer, not because I hate the rest of the calendar year, but because this time is special to me, and I can look forward to being happy during this time of year because of my invested emotion into it! See Joy is the opposite in a way. Joy makes consistent the feelings and excitement that an action of happiness brings. It remains when there no reason or evidence to be happy. It’s based upon truth and an inward decision rather than an outward ‘deal’. Joy is connected and constant with faith, because it counts an idea and a perspective as rightly esteemed, inwardly, when there is no proof to be so in the natural. And the emotions that follow are honestly contagious!

So here’s the dilemma…
Humanity (men and women alike, without any exceptions between the two) are seeking to find a way to be happy or satisfied with the life that they are living. We try to find it through social acceptance, religion, moral responsibility, civic duty, or even recreational activities. The sad thing is that these and many other things only satisfy us for a short period of time, before the feelings that they bring begin to fade away as our activities and investments seem to fade away with time and age. They bring happiness to us because of the instant and direct affirmation that these things make room for in our hearts, to ultimately remain valid. It’s as if we are trying to compare ourselves among ourselves and hope to have our answers in what we can see, feel and relate to. Truth be told, that we find some, but never the answer to the ultimate question down this road. With all of these possible trails, it brings me great joy to expose my personal past trail today, to you. I took a road to fill empty spots in my life, and that road was pornography…

A road filled with heart ache, trepidation, confusion, psychological negligence, self-hatred, suicidal thoughts, malice and anger. A road that our sons and daughters may find themselves down if we don’t begin to do anything about it….

I want to dedicate this project to more than just raising awareness about the many internal perils of pornography, the truth behind industry, and the like. But I want to go deeper than that. I want you to understand that (porn) isn’t the problem. It’s what we do in expression, excess, exploitation, or even misunderstanding of something else deeper. But porn is a direct reflection of a broken heart, a reprobate mind and a confused soul.
There are some terms that we’re going to define and stick to throughout this project.
The first one is exploitation…

Exploitation - [ek-sploi-tey-shuhn]: use or utilization, especially for profit.

We’re gonna skinny dip (no pun intended - lol) into this study and find out the truth behind the motives of the (once secret now not constrained at all) San Fernado Valley (the epicenter for most US pornography production) and the entire pornography industry. We’re also going to look at the effects of what the industry has enabled and facilitated to porn stars, and the viewers of pornography from yesterday and now. Biblically, we’re also going to go head to head with the identity and the misinformation that the media has fed to men and women, to tell them what they should accept as truth about themselves and about their sexuality.

Adult Entertainment – aka – ‘sex industry’: The commercial enterprises related to sale or purchase of sex-related services, ranging from individual ‘workers’ in prostitution to the pornographic end of the entertainment industry.

Thesis Statement

Please understand this. I encourage you that if you’re skeptical about any of this, you hate Christians, you hate the bible, you hate God and you hate the things of God; I challenge you to this; Let your guard down when diving into this exposition, because if you’re a real skeptic, you’ll give me a chance to prove something to you before you reject it. This isn’t another ‘Christian approach’ to battle Ron Jeremy’s work in secret and facilitate a way to have my own opinions shown to whoever I want to influence; nor is it a stab at ‘adult entertainment’whatever that even means. I’m seriously a young man that almost lost his personal and social life because of his misguided decision making earlier in his life. And you know what; I don’t even blame anybody for it. I truthfully can’t. It’s not fair to you and it doesn’t help me with anything that I want to talk to you about. But we will do this. We will break down the culture… past, present and future; and we will look at a pattern of thinking that has been developed to make people assume things about themselves that are often times true, but often times false as well. The culture is a powerful, real time, never ending, always changing concept and truth that dictates the pace of our lives, the things we deem good, and pressures in doing a lot of things that we don’t even want to do. The crazy thing is, without culture, we couldn’t grow and thrive the way that we were intended to do. How do you change the way people think? You infiltrate the culture with the right ‘teachers and leaders’ to carry out the message. See, when you have the right people who have the needed influence over weaker wills, you are granted a power to say what you want to say and do what you want to do. We see this in the music industry. An artist is elevated to such a degree that everything that comes out of their mouth is a good as gold. They are seen everywhere you go; and because of the lack of loving, honest parents, the children grow up and completely leave the tutelage of their parents behind them. Most the time it’s when they haven’t even got the learners permit yet…
It’s sad but it’s true. We live in a time to where because of a song on the radio; you have to be ‘carded’ just to buy cough medicine now. COUGH SYRUP. There are some countries that are so full of nonsense that they have passed laws to allow the husbands and wives with dead spouses to be enabled to have sex with their spouses in the last hours of the body’s physical living clock. The state of Utah is known as being one of the greatest consuming states of pornography in all of the other 50, and yet it’s also known as a mecca, if you will, for a prominent religious establishment that used to publically appreciate and encourage within the religion, polygamy. The United States, alone, makes more than 13 billion dollars off of pornography a year (I wonder how much of that can start going towards our financial deficit…) These few among many others are things that whether we like it or not, define our society. They teach things to kids that they can’t rightly know how to deal with. In fact, because of plan to break up homes in America, the society is forced to be the child’s first and main teacher throughout all of their natural life. Where have we missed it to where a music artist can give an interview on PBS for 60 minutes and a child develop almost half of the outlook on life based upon this guy’s quickly manufactured ideology?

I’m going to sound old-school with this suggestion and mandate, but we got to and must change the nature of the contemporary culture. The society has turned into a vicious cycle of generational curses that never amount to bringing any good for anybody. It’s just selfish practices of self-preservation and randomly throwing heaping amounts of moral responsibility on people with the hope that they ‘just get it’ as they grow older.
Where are the fruit filled mothers at?
Where are the true fathers full of the Love of God hiding?
What happened to having solid big brothers and sisters that can reinforce the teaching of the parents?
When did it become the media’s responsibility to raise our kids?
When is a society going to raise up men and women that love themselves enough to show others how to love too?
Biblical Love – the love that requires us to lay down our lives for our friends and to seek the betterment of someone else’s needs before ourselves.

Last thing….
In this project remember this one simple African (Nigerian) Proverb, “ it takes a whole village, to raise a child…”
Follow me as we indulge into my most intimate project yet…

The pornography project

My Childhood…

I was born at Gulf Coast Hospital in Panama City, Florida July 5th 1988 to Walter and Diane Hollinger. To my memory, according to what my parents have told me, because my dad had to work the night shift, he couldn’t be present with my mom when I was born. Lol. I believe that my mom said that he was asleep at the house when I was born and the hospital had to call him and wake him up to tell him that I was born =) I’ve remembered some really interesting things in the early part of my life. I remember a time where I was walking in a hallway, I fell down and my mom and my sister stood there and laughed at me because I was a baby trying to learn how to walk. I remember staying up late with my dad watching Johnny Carson and eating fudge pops when I was a toddler. Aside from those few, I don’t remember much before the age of seven. It wasn’t until my mom, my sister, and I moved in with my grandmother (my mom’s mom) that I really started to develop a sense of time and a concept of reality. Sadly, during this time my father was absent from my life. I didn’t know why this happened then, but he was absent because he was dealing with a drug problem that flooded into his married life and thus the life of his family. The time leading up until this breaking point was spent with my mom and dad dealing with extra marital affairs: most of which came down to the fact that my dad never came to the place where he knew that he needed a savior. He and mom both were for the most part raised around church and religion and basically knowing that there was a God who’s watching what we do and keeping us from harm. What they didn’t act on was the fact that he wanted their hearts more than anything else. And with my dad not ever knowing who he was in Christ, he was forced to live his life being a law unto himself, knowingly or unknowingly. The lack that he received in his upbringing is the same that flooded into my upbringing, because no one knew anything better or how to initiate a lasting change. And because his dad wasn’t sure about things in himself, neither could my dad. See, men need to be affirmed as being men; our wives can only do so much for affirmation in our lives. But there’s something about a man that you respect a lot, who tells you that you are a MAN. Because once you hear it, that’s all it takes for guys to ‘get it’. As men it’s important that you receive this from you father, because if you don’t, you’re literally living for a word that will never meet expectations apart from Gods divine order and structure. But this is the reason why men struggle now today. It’s right for us to lead and to be lead also. It’s right for men to want to give and to pour out into their wives and children, because it’s good for him to and if it’s in love, no one has to tell him that it’s his ‘responsibility’ to do so. There’s something about being called a man that tells you that you don’t have to assume anything about the nature of who you are, because I see who you are.
And because my dad didn’t get this, I was defaulted to receive that same exact thing. And I did. Whether or not he wanted this for me, it happens to young men if we don’t do anything about it in our son’s early lives. As I grew up without his teaching and affirmation, I couldn’t see how this kind of negligence would affect me until later in my life. When I was living with my grandmother, my mom was starting to assume two roles, being a type of father and mother for me and my sister. I remember getting beat up a few times after school, and I also remember being afraid all of the time. For no reason. I hated to sleep in the dark because I always thought that someone was going to come and snatch me up. My sister used to make me watch scary movies just so she could watch me get upset and cry (lol). I couldn’t make solid friends because I was so shy and afraid of being emotionally exposed. But more than anything, I lacked a validation that would give me the basic strength I needed to be strong and courageous in life, just like Moses told Joshua and Caleb before he left them to govern The Children of Israel. So for about 2 years, I lived dad-less while my mom was fighting to keep her family alive and fighting for her husband to come back home. From there we moved around a couple of times, as my dad was dealing with health complications, lack of finances, but more than anything, his excessive drug usage.
As a child, most every issue that I’ve ever experienced has not been dealt with until many years later in my life and to an extent, it’s been the deciding factor of many relationships that I’ve had. Because of my personality, it was very difficult to bring out what was on the inside of me. I would keep things hidden because I was scared of being hurt but at the same time I’d keep things in because I was scared of hurting someone else who was already in hurt. So my hurts and pains were silent bullets and daggers that continually pierced my heart at will. These feelings and assumptions were my first thoughts, ideas and concepts that I can remember developing. I hated myself so much but could never really explain why. At the end of this time, my dad moved back into my life and moved my mom and sister into an apartment in front of my new Elementary School called ‘Parker’ and the realities of the life and the secrets of the heart, for the first time in my life, came to fruition…

The Dream that You gave to me…

In the middle of the 1990 decade, having my dad back in my life gave me two main things to accept. One we were no longer in the hood and I didn’t have to feel like I was living like a second class citizen anymore. I had resources now because my dad had a stupid tight job now and the rent was so much cheaper than the previous mortgages we had. But secondly, I had to accept the fact that I really didn’t know who my dad was. I wanted to know him more, and in fact, he bought me the world and offered me as much as he could to show me that he wasn’t going to let me live life alone and forgotten anymore. He bought me so many toys, games, snacks, clothes, and everything else that you could imagine that a child would want to have to be happy. But I would find out that I was being called to something bigger than my sad feelings. One night, I was asleep on the top bunk of my blue bed. My sister slept on the bottom mattress with her daughter and I slept on the top because I was close to the air-conditioning duct – (I love cold weather!) But truthfully the smaller bed was on top. It was very early in the morning, 2-3am to be exact, and I was awaken by what I’ve come to know as being the Holy Spirit, or the mouth piece of God in Heaven. Sleeping on my stomach, I found myself awake and starting straight ahead of me with my gaze falling on a man dressed in a white tunic of some sort, standing outside of the sliding glass door of our back porch. He had a gold cord around his waist and his face was recognizable like a man’s but glowed too much for me to make out any real details of his facial features. As I looked at him my body was arrested to the bed and I couldn’t move a muscle, all I could do was watch as he walked towards my bedroom. He appeared from the back door and began to walk extremely careful and patient towards me, as if he was walking on coals. The closer he got, the more afraid I was getting because I hadn’t ever experienced anything like this before. Yet, in my trepidation, I felt something warm in my chest that was fighting against my fear almost trying to win a war inside of my heart. As he got closer, his light got brighter and brighter. Finally when he got close enough, I regained some control over myself, and hid under my covers terrified that the man would take me away from my house. With my eyes glued closed, hands over my ears, and curled up in a ball I laid in place not moving and wanting the man to leave me alone. Without warning, I began to hear music, singing and what I’ve come to know as prayer all at once. I can remember in my head, seeing the earth, and seeing what looked like a vortex of blue color, sort of like a swirling cloud, extending from the earth and going up higher and higher beyond what the human eye could see. I saw musical notes in this vortex and I also saw words from many different languages. The next thing I remember I was being forced to wake up by my toddler aged niece telling me that ‘grandma just made pancakes!’ lol it’s crazy but true. In fact, throughout my life, less than 10 times, I’ve had that same vision as a dream and a memory, but never like when it first happened. That was the first time that God had ever, to my knowledge, called for my attention, and I wouldn’t see this time again for nearly 10 years…

The Seed

That dream/vision was held somewhere around the time of my 7-8 years of age. The funny thing was almost immediately after that, my mom plugged the family into a ministry that would be my church home for the next 12 years! But aside from that life would start to take a dramatic twist, as we dealt with family issues that would split up my sister from us, allow my parents to entertain the thought of divorce, encourage my dad to get back on drugs, dare my mom to give into the pressures of another person’s failures, and be unresolved matters of my heart that has taken years to locate and eviscerate. ..
We moved from our apartment into a nicer home, and just like the last place, we picked up where we left off at with finances. There were even more this time! I can’t tell you how many times Christmas was good to me. Even just random Saturdays! I was pretty much given what I wanted again, but this time, I was getting old enough to start learning responsibility, value, and hard work. I remember days to where I pulled a lawn mower around and got money for cutting grass. My mom made me clean my own bathroom, and my room, and made me take good care of my dog as well. So all in all, it was a good time and a better opportunity for my parents to raise me and feel like there was an established family atmosphere to keep doing so. Even though my sister was coming back around, and trying to get her life back together after the death of her baby’s daddy, we were attempting to rekindle past love investments and structures. It was as if we were, despite all of our weaknesses and frailties, trying to still function somewhat as a family. The day we got our Compaq Presario, things were changing. It was the first that our family had ever had. Somehow, we had dodged the hype of this technology by waiting 10 years, but it was well worth the wait. My mom could continue her work at the house, I could learn school stuff to keep me educated when school was not in session and my dad could relax knowing that he could have the tv all to himself throughout the day – lol. On a random summer weekend the wall would come crashing on me. I was using the computer one day and I decided to go on the internet to search around and see what the hype was about. To this day I don’t know how it happened, but I ran across a pop up advertisement of a half-naked chick that turned out to be a continuous pop up which we would come to know as being a computer virus. The pop up got more involved and had fully nude photos of women in little, to no clothing at all. Like any 9 year old boy, I panicked, because I didn’t want my parents to think that I was willfully looking at this stuff. My heart was beating 50,000 times a minute as a felt a burning feeling in my chest that something was terribly wrong; It’s as if my innocence was for the first time in my life, had it first indulgence of being taken away from me. I got into so much trouble for it and my parents were very disappointed in me, but I hadn’t initiated anything, nor had a premeditated to do this. But yet, I was punished greatly for it without any explanation or teaching of what to do right about it...
Sometime later, I was at my friend Cory’s house. We were thick as thieves, and loved to draw, play video games, and watch music videos. It was his 12th birthday party and I was the last friend over at his house, the only one allowed to stay the night and we had a blast. We played super smash brothers until 11pm and enjoyed a cold December night on a Friday. After playing video games, we watched the music awards show to thaw out after our video gaming; Cory leaned over to me and asked me if I wanted to see something other than N’SYNC sing and dance to ‘It’s Gonna Be Me’. My natural 10-11 year old curiosity was totally up for it so I entertained his gesture. He walked me over to the other side of the house, and instantly I felt horrible; because when I was at Cory’s house, everything on the right side past his bedroom was off limits. Those quarters were the guest rooms, the office, the washing and dryer room and his parent’s bedroom. When we past his room I knew that something was wrong because if he wasn’t allowed back here I knew that I wasn’t. Reluctantly, I went along with him anyway. He took me to his parents room, and then to their bathroom. He turned around and looked at me and said to try and keep this under your hat. He reached in between the nicely folded towels over the toilet and pulled out a pornography magazine. My heart dropped into the pit of my stomach and my mouth started getting dry. As he turned from page to page, I was watching and looking at things that my mind wasn’t ever prepared for. In fact, when my first opportunity presented itself, I was rebuked for even having these feelings to begin with. No one talked to me about anything; I was just told how bad I was and how wrong I was for being caught in this act. But as bad as I felt, I was curious still, even though I knew that something in me was being forfeited and other things were dying in me as each page turned….
I left his house feeling awkward the next day because I did something wrong but I didn’t know how to go about correcting it. I needed some guidance but sorely lacked to find any. So like any other kid with parents that assume that a smiling kid that makes good grades and doesn’t bring home parent alerts is basically alright, I had to muffle my inward groans as a fight began to ensue on the inside of me; a fight against what was born of God and what was being manufactured out of my negligent situation…

Thorns and Thistles

From here it began, my natural want to be with another woman that was being overwhelmed by the thoughts of my codependency. Middle school was like most kids, such a pointless and confusing time. It’s the time where kids develop their first senses of self, reality, and many more things. Usually it’s when sex, drugs, alcohol, money, status and things that make this world go round, begin to bombard the thought life of the ones affected. I had crush after crush after crush, but because of how I thought of myself, I wouldn’t dare EVER bring myself into the light of another woman and tell her how I felt about her. I couldn’t ever do it. I was the kid that sat at the back of the class and went home feeling worse about himself than when he woke up that morning. I was a candidate for suicide before I knew what it meant. And pretty much all of Junior High was as such, made fun of for being fat, poor self-image, no confidence, broken family life; I mean you name it, and I had it. But once High School came around everything began to change; some for good and some for worse. My first girlfriend was in the 9th grade. We met at youth group and we were really good friends. I really liked her, and I felt pressure to ask her to be my girlfriend many times but never really mustered up the strength to ask. To my knowledge I asked her and she said yes. So naturally, I felt good right!? My first girlfriend ever! I only saw her at church, I couldn’t buy her anything or give her anything or see her outside of church service, but I still enjoyed our long talks on the phone and sitting by her in church. As time went by, I found out that she was cheating on me, and me being the hopeless romantic that I was at the time, I refused to believe it. Sadly, I was wrong; she had been seeing another guy for almost the entire length of our relationship which was a few short months (3-4) I was so devastated, because not only did her decision reinforce how I already thought of myself, which was being worthless, but I lost my first best friend. My second girlfriend was the next school year and like the first, I met her at youth group. She was formally the best girl friend of my previous girlfriend and at the time, and used the situation to get with me while I was emotionally listless. She was my first kiss and the first person to make me feel like I was special. But eventually, just like the girl before, the relationship ended in less than a year with the same outcome, infidelity. What was so wrong with me? Why doesn’t anyone really love me? Am I really not good enough to meet someone’s needs? Because the world is so good at making me feel like the only identity I’ll ever have, will be a statistic…
And thoughts like these I held quietly in my head as I grew in my High School life, I was known as the quiet nice kid to pretty much everyone who knew me, but not a single soul knew the conflict that I had in my heart. My third girlfriend was in the 11th grade and she was a chore and a half during our relationship. I felt like everything I did for her was to be strong on her behalf. She was arguably the most emotionally unstable person that I’ve ever met in my entire life, and every day, I had to pick up the pieces of her life for her to show her that everything was going to be ok, while I put it all back together. It was crazy, because her brokenness made me reason that I had purpose in life, for once. For once it felt like someone really needed something from me to live out the rest of their life with. It felt like someone was dependent on me and someone relied on my strength and my know how to finish whatever they were facing. I felt like a giant and I felt invincible! Until we had to part ways…Before we dated, I heard the voice of God tell me not to ask her out. I was spooked by it because one, I didn’t know that God talked to people that weren’t pastors and two because even if He did say it, what’s wrong with asking your good friend to go to the next level in y’alls relationship? Sadly, this carnal deduction was a mistake that cost me in more ways than one. Dealing with the guilt of this word, I struggled to keep a smile aaallllll yearlong during my junior year of high school, but I couldn’t ever shake what I felt. Literally, I felt basically ok, but I was dealing with my first conviction of God for the entire length of our relationship, to break up with her. In fact, everytime she would freak out and I would try to put everything back together for her, a little something in me would die because I didn’t know why I was doing all of these things for her; especially since she never gave anything back to me in return. In an attempt to save her feelings and to satisfy this burden on my chest, I broke it off with her and explained to her why we couldn’t be together anymore. She completely went ballistic on me and ruined many friendships that I had, cussed me out on several occasions, and even deemed me as her reason for giving up on what she knew to be God. That summer of 2005, I never felt more broken in my life, because once again, the world was begging me to accept the fact that I was a mistake and not worth anything to anybody. I felt like trash and attempted to drop out of life. I went loose cannon for a while and started seeing a girl that was a few years younger than me. It was sad because I couldn’t see anything clearly during this time, I wanted to play basketball and go to college for sports medicine, but inwardly I didn’t care about much of anything anymore. I was mad at the world and had a lifelong list full of complaints and no one to tell em to. The worst part of this time of my life, was dealing with my eyes. I had no guards on them. So much so, that I was given a terrible vision one night. I remember dealing with secret lust issues and waking up to dreams in the middle of the night arrested to my bed by an inexpressible spiritual rock or solid sheet, pushing me against my bed, locking me into place and not being able to move. No matter what I did to get free, I couldn’t move. I even used to have visions of dark figures circling my bed, and whispering back and forth between each other during this time. One night in particular, I remember having a vision to where every girl that I ever lusted after in High School, stood outside of my bedroom door, and in a single file line, they all came into my room and sexually molested me as I was strapped to my bed void of any opportunity to leave or make them stop. I believe it was God’s way of showing me where my life would end up if I wouldn’t listen to Him. He was trying to show me where my inward passions were leading me if I didn’t change. But at the time, I didn’t understand what was really going on with me. The only thing I had to live for was basketball at the time. It was the only thing that seemed to put into me what I put into it. I wanted to be with girls but they didn’t want anything from me apart from what I could do for them, and I didn’t know how to handle it all. From 8th grade to 12th playing ball was the antidote for my soul scars. That is, until the caller blessed the called, faithfully again, on a late afternoon in August of 2005. I was playing basketball outside of my house and running my shooting drills as normal. This day was especially interesting because I missed literally every shot and lay-up that I put up to the basket. I was so frustrated with myself, because some of the easiest shots for me were as if I was learning how to shoot all over again. After an angry hour long practice, I heard what I now know as God voice telling me to ‘put down the ball and pursue my face.’ Which means what exactly? I’m out here working on a dream to leave my life in Panama City behind and eventually join the NBA only to hear that I need to basically stop playing ball? I struggled and wrestled and kicked and moaned and complained and continued my spree of missing shots. Irate, I kicked my basketball as hard as I could. I went back inside and just sat on the edge of my bed so mad at myself. I later got in contact with my then praise and worship leader but soon to be spiritual mother, and told her what I had experienced. She without haste, told me to listen and to do what God was telling me to do. I was so frustrated and confused because I felt like I was losing everything before I had even started my life, but I would later find out that I was gaining everything…

A New Life

I asked God what would He have me to do, and He simply said the same thing again. Feeling my nature of trepidation and confusion rise up in me and dominate my thoughts, I reluctantly got my head somewhat clear and attempted to go to my basketball coach and tell him that I was quitting basketball. He, like the jerk that he was at the time, cussed me out and told me that I was making a huge mistake. I left his office and went to the bathroom and cried. What was I created for I wondered, am I good for anything, to anybody? Will I ever have and find worth in anyone’s eyes? Will I ever find purpose? Will the ultimate question ever be answered?
I was so alone and so confused and even more lost than I had ever been. Because it feels like God’s playing with me…
Months later at the turn of the year, my church that had been going through a terrible split, started having what I now know as revival services again. It had been almost a decade since we last had meetings like these. Only thing was, it only happened at the youth services! Night after night, it seemed like something was going on in the church, but only in the hearts of the kids. I personally felt the presence of God for the first time in these meetings. I found myself arrested to the floor numerous times crying out for God to heal my 10 yearlong broken heart and for him to fix it again. And in this time I sought after a new hope and a new life that would forever change the way I viewed God, the people around me but also, who I was and why I was created…
For almost a year and some change I learned what it meant to live for God. I learned how to make sense of everything that I was unsure about by going to the word. I fell in love with the Book of Proverbs and the Book of Psalms. I even started learning what was really wrong with me and why I couldn’t love women the way that I was intended to love them. I decided to let God be the guidance of my relationship life and to stop chasing a cute face and a girl that wants attention. God introduced to me in this time to a girl of whom spiritually, wanted the same things from God that I wanted. We were friends and strictly friends, we didn’t hang out any place, never kissed, and I respected her and her walk with God. She was the youth pastor’s daughter and I kept that to high regard as I prayed and waited patiently for the Lord to tell me what to do next with her. My theological bubble would be soon be dealt a punishing burst without warning, as the 6 year church split finally hit its climax In 2007. My entire youth staff was asked to step down and the head pastor rebuked the youth for doing too much in church. We all handled it horribly and honestly in rebellion, we kinda functioned as a spiritual law unto ourselves as we fought for ‘the things of God’ still being under our pastor’s care. The youth pastor’s daughter took the most dramatic turn for the worst and started dating a guy, in private, who was known for objectifying women, and she totally walked out of my life for about two years. I was so hurt, because I thought that I was waiting for her. Like waiting to be with her, and I thought that she was waiting for me too. But I was wrong. So in quiet bitterness, I finally left the church after being a member after 12 long years. It was the straw that broke the camels back for me then, and I just couldn’t take any more of the hurt, confusion, lies, even the religious obligations to keep a cool head about everything that was going on. I started going to my friends youth group shortly after only to find that a lot of people were involved with things that had so much red tape around it. From emotionalism, to living ambiguous lives, to gossip and secrecy, I mean you name it. Then in February of 2008, I officially gave up on God and walked away from the things of God, so mad at Him for not helping me. The sad thing was, I was never honest enough with myself about the fact that I truly needed a savior to rescue me from my most formidable opponent…myself…

The Pornography Portal

Angry at myself for being a perpetual relationship failure, a casualty of the church, a type of a wayward son, a lonesome loser, a dreamless young boy, and a person void of identity, I started a 12-15 month process of actively and perpetually watching pornography on the internet. I started it first off, because it was free to do it; second off, nobody was gonna ever find out, and because nobody cares enough about me anyway, what does it really matter? I mean the girls I’ve been with never showed me any worth so far so what’s the point? I justified my feelings and tucked my heart away, closing it down. I hid what I really felt and lived the way that I wanted to live. My time involved in pornography lead to a very reckless outlook on life, which would provide for me the opportunity to start going to the club and hooking up with girls while I lied to myself saying that I’m basically ok. I remember thinking that God doesn’t care so why should I? Even as far as to say, these girls don’t care, so why should I? The sad thing was my initial fear of being a statistic only got amplified when I gave into this pressure. But I was in secrecy none the less. I hid my porn searches on the internet and learned how to cover my tracks my clearing out the Google searches, only watching when my parents weren’t home. It was true bondage, because once I would hear the garage door open, my heart would be instantly convicted and I would carry on as if nothing was happening to me. These were lonely months too, because I was searching so much for a road to make myself happy, but I couldn’t. I really never wanted to watch pornography to begin with. Never had any intention to; I wanted to naturally be with a woman and to desire just one, but I kept feeling like not a single one desired me…
And I developed a complex about myself and about women that killed my inward soul and ruined the way that I thought about myself. I was a mistake and a failure and not a single person could convince me otherwise. I would never be good enough. Never be strong enough, never be handsome enough, never be a good leader, never be a good father, never be back with God; because my worth was equated to nothing. And that’s the perspective of many people involved in pursuing these things and being the actors of it. The people involved in the pornography business are some of the worst drug addicts, suicidal, murderous, poor perspectived and lost individuals in the earth. And it’s sad but true to say that porn isn’t their problem. Having illicit sex isn’t their problem. Not keeping their zipper up, their mouths shut, their hands still isn’t the problem. It never has been and never will be. People don’t get it that, like they do with other addictions; it’s the fruit of something else. People don’t smoke because their bored, they smoke because it’s an attempt to soothe something in their soul that only Christ can do. People don’t drink because it’s good for their health; they drink because they want to wash away the thoughts that so extremely on a regular basis haunt them and plague them of being self-conscious and socially awkward. And people don’t watch porn because they’re curious, they’re watching it because there is a void on the inside of them that runs deeper than poor upbringing, it’s all about self-image. Porn literally deals with the way that you see yourself and the people around you and your interpretation of life, especially your love life, as a whole…
And that’s exactly what my stumbling block was, even though I thought to myself as being a decent guy who meant no harm to anyone, the enemy took my personality, my family situation, my lack of identity; and mixed it with another plan aside from God’s and made his attempt to take me out in a slow grueling process of slipping away from what was Godly and turning my heart to what would lead to death…
On a random Sunday morning in August of 2008 I woke up at about 1130 feeling like a got hit by a car. I was out all night the night before and got home at about 3 or 4 in the morning from Spinnaker Beach Club. Everything in me hurt as I was coughing up blood clots, shaking cold in the middle of summer, I was dehydrated, and I had a splitting headache every time I took a step to get out of bed. I was throwing up as well and I had no clue what was wrong with me. I didn’t ever drink or smoke nor did I do any drugs (over the counter or illegal) but never the less, I was in bad shape for about 2 weeks. I passed out at work 3 times during this sickness and I didn’t know what to do because I had such a good immune system. One night on my bed, God’s voice woke me up saying that my physical body was a picture of what my spirit looked like. And he was trying to get me to see what I was doing. Like a punk, I ignored what He was saying. Eventually I got better and school started. One of my friends Ashley, on a random day introduced to me a friend from her job that I instantly had a crush on. It was mainly because I thought that she was cute. I added her on myspace and started actively trying to hang out with her. Eventually she would surprise me and shake the hell that was in my heart, right out of my body. We never dated, never did anything, she resisted my every attempt, but what she did do was preach to me. But she did it in a way that I never knew was possible, she loved me the way God did. She was always telling me why God created me, and that He had a specific purpose and plan for my life that I couldn’t see right now because I was still hurt from the past. I was so mad, because I felt like in a few months, some random chick just read my mail and then had the audacity to leave town for New York afterwards. Literally for 3-4 months I knew her and then she was gone. Being dependent on her words and constant encouragement, I fell back into porn again but this time it was so much worse than before. I didn’t care as much a year ago but now in Jan-Apr of 2009, my heart died every time I opened up the web browser because I knew that she was telling me right and that I needed to really examine myself in the light of God’s word. I missed school just to watch it, I stopped going to church again because I wanted someone to know what I was spiritually dying and I wanted somebody to release me and let me out. I was late for work because of porn, I would rush home from classes just to watch it, and every time, every single time, afterwards, I would cry and weep because I wanted to stop so badly, but I couldn’t. I tried to take a shower when I was done but my soul was still filthy and ruined. I tried to watch testimonies on YouTube and try to adopt another person’s story to make me feel like I was ok, but it never worked. Literally, I was so sick in mind that I thought that I could fabricate my own testimony and be free on my own. But it was always to no avail. I couldn’t talk to my parents about it, because as far as I was concerned, I was just a growing boy dealing with life but who is basically ok, and they had no clue what I was going through – the entire time. I hated everything about me and convinced myself that I wasn’t good for anything. No one paid attention to me, no one listened, no one asked, everyone assumed and everyone thought that I was normal, but I wasn’t. I was lost, alone, scared, scarred, suicidal, bitter, forgotten, and on top of that, worthless…

April Showers, Bring May Flowers

One night, in the spring of 2009, I would have the most intimate experience of my life. I honestly didn’t create any prerequisites for the event but none the less the Lord showed up in my bed room like a flood. I didn’t expect this on a night like this because I had just finished watching porn and I kicked my computer because I was so mad at myself. I laid face down on the floor and just started verbally killing myself. My words turned into frustrated cries and my cries tuned into wordless moans and my moans turned into deep wails and my wails turned into a bitter sob that lasted for hours into the night. While I was crying out, I felt the presence of God fill my room and for the first time, I felt the tangible presence of God’s Love, fill me from the inside out. I passed out and found myself awake the next day on my bed lol. I still have no clue as to how this happened but it did haha. Who knows…I found myself feeling like I was brand new the next day! On the inside of me I felt like a giant rock had been lifted off of my heart and I felt like the thoughts that I was dealing with, that resembled a black cloud, had lifted and the sun was shining BIG on the inside of me! Like never before I got so hungry to taste that feeling again and I began to dive into God’s word every day. I found out everything that I had been missing before. I found my identity, I found my security, I found my present help, I found the voice of God, I found my life again, I find a new ambition, I found my purpose….
The Lord saved me put eternal life on the inside of me that day and I’ve never been the same since.
Concerning porn, my taste for it completely and totally went away. It was to the point that even when I would see a girl in public and start to feel my heart pull towards her, I would instantly get convicted and changed my mind. I never felt it before. It was like someone was teaching me how to view the opposite sex and have an observation of beauty instead of lusting. I felt like someone was with me in my life and they would never leave me nor forsake me and wanted me to be with them at all times, even in my worthlessness. I felt a completion that forever exceeded my expectations and began to introduce to me a love that was beyond recognition, but had power enough to change my mind at the heart level, and mark me forever as a member of something bigger than myself…

Receiving Sight

Prior to me being saved I had a horrible, distorted, and poor outlook on myself. It was bad enough to where watching pornography became normal for me as a two folded outlet: 1 – to justify my release of natural sexual desires to be with a woman (but) 2 – to try to blot out what I felt about myself in interpretation of what people saw me as. Sex is a natural agreement between man and woman that creates another life. It’s a coming together that God meant only for a husband and a wife to share and cherish. Not to be marketed for profit or financial gain. Because of what the media has spent millions of man hours and millions of dollars on painting to the general public, the average woman is constantly battling with self-images and concepts in their heads about what it is to be a woman in a society that is run by male leadership that have motives to exploit the weaker individuals around them by capitalizing on their ignorance. Woman, today, are finding it increasingly difficult to find purpose and identity in today’s culture that has so many pressures on the greater number of females. Every demographic feels it as the crime rates increase, the suicide rates grow rapidly, abortion is being more and more accepted, and gay marriages are the social norm now while being called the new ‘minority’. It’s truly sick because the agenda is so under-handed and so clandestine that to speak out about anything means that you’re proving them to be right when they paint a picture about being radical or doing too much to change something. We live in a society that the moment that you speak up for anything against what’s going on, you’re marked for a specific identity that is only true to a person that’s jacked up in their thinking to begin with. But yet, he decides what’s socially accepted and what’s deemed as jargon. We can say what we want but it’s true. Because parents aren’t raising their kids with the word of God in their lives, the tv is forced to be their main source and full understanding of reality. And the parents can’t decipher and refute the bad and raise awareness to the good because they themselves are deceived. I hate it because we live in a society of robots where a lot of people’s opinions aren’t likely even their thoughts. They spit out the same words that news media and popular opinion pump their ears with on a day to day basis. And to make matters worse, because, it takes a village to raise a child, the children today get the affirmation that they need naturally to grow in their understanding of the world around them, by people that are over influenced by the same lies. It sad, because the structure that God has designed to bring Him glory, the enemy has manipulated to bring man’s detriment and God’s mockery…
I’m here to bring the subtle blinders down of Adult Entertainment, and I’ll be honest enough to admit my own personal sinning and my short comings. But the time is past to where we are encouraged to hide behind a mask of being real, in order to continue on in mutilating our souls. We are real people, with real hurts, and real questions, and real situations that we can’t find answers too apart from the foot of the Cross of Christ. Men in today’s society can’t be good husbands and fathers because they didn’t have good daddy’s to show them how to do it; but God does. Women are confused with whom to give their attention to because they themselves are seeking for the wrong affirmation; but God gives it. Men watch porn because they feel like they can. They hate themselves for not being able to change and they hate their fathers for not being able to change them when they were young. They hate their mothers too, because the mother didn’t stand next to her husband when she needed him to the most. Women hate men because they never had a father who, through faith and patience, brought up the family in the right admonition that’s shown in God’s word. They hate their moms too, because their mothers are still trying to live out their 20’s through the lives of their daughters by telling them who to marry every time they see a cute boy. It’s so sad and I know there are a thousand tears in Heaven from each minute of every day from around the world of lost parents that don’t know how to reconcile their differences with their parents, so they pass the same situations on to their kids to do the exact same thing, and because they way life works, the generational curses continue in an endless cycle of people playing should’ve, could’ve and would’ve with their lives. I’ve cried many nights because I hated who I was and I didn’t know how to fix what I had become. I cried and couldn’t break the mold. And that’s what we are dealing with today as men and women. We are a people that have forfeited all the promises of God that come by faith for quick fixes and short term justifications of every level and every intention possible. And all the while the enemy of our souls sits back and laughs at us all the way, because we have every tool to stop this non-sense, but nobody is willing to do anything about it…

Truth Be Told…

That this is an official vendetta against popular culture and against what the world deems as good in the context of men and woman and the truth of marriage. I plan on being married to one woman. To desire one woman. To fall in love with continually, one woman. To make love with, one woman. To raise kids with, one woman. To have eyes for only, one woman. To receive my crown as her prince from, one woman. To desire intimately the body of, one woman. To cherish and to hold on to for the rest of my life, one woman. To put the ring on the finger of, one woman. To renown and to bless the work of the hands of, one woman. To fill up the emotional love tank and to be filled by, one woman. To praise the living God for granting me full access to, one woman…
And that’s the truth. The society has made it ok to be with someone and to be interested or even emotionally available in other people and it’s one of the many reasons for divorce in marriages today. The society has made it basically ok to have friends with benefits. It’s also been made ok to be single and to let yourself come off as being available to every person of the opposite sex that is attracted to you or attractive to you. And yet, people are still heart broken, still forgotten, still alone and still feeling worthless. It’s sad when a girl is emotional weak gets her virginity taken away from her because they guy she was with more than anything just wanted to have sex with her. And she couldn’t see it at first, because he just looked like a nice guy that always smiled at her and it made her feel like she was pretty. It’s sad when good men get cheated by women that use their past as their excuse as to why they do what they do. Some women want a good man, but refuse to do anything to keep him because he’s just so good, why do I have to do anything? It’s his job to. There’s just as many reasons to point the finger at men as there are to point the finger at women today, and God never intended for this to be a working truth in the earth. God designed the man to desire one woman and the woman to desire one man, and as one flesh, they being whole people on an individual basis could and should come together to make the complete man, which gives God praise and glory and honor. Blaming someone else for revealing our own personal insecurities never solves them, but rather gives us the opportunity to come to God and to ask Him to burn out the things that separate us from Him and to multiply the things that bring Him joy. In return, this same fruit is the much needed antidote for marriages to not only just succeed but to flourish as everlasting hope to the newlyweds to come, years after their marriage start. Because that’s one of the ultimate goals God has planned for men and women, to flourish in times of drought, and to multiply during times of harvest. Because that’s God’s nature, to be eternally and perpetually blessed on all fronts and under any circumstance. So why shouldn’t His children be doing the same thing? After all, we were made in His image…


This is written to inspire and to make aware but to also bring about the truth behind what is causing us to rip each other apart on a psychological level. Because understand this one fact: porn is not the problem. Men and women have been participating in pornographic actions long before Caligula and his lawless sexual endeavors and personal secrets ruled on the earth. Whenever you are a law unto yourself, the bible deems that as being in sin, because the biblical definition of sin is to be lawless. And that was the charge against Sodom and Gomorrah, not because they were sexually unhinged, but because there wasn’t a shred of righteousness to be found in the city, hence, the people were a law unto themselves un-governed by God’s law. So God smote the city without hesitation. The danger of being lawless today is not that God will smote you with a hammer and chop off your feet with an axe, but that we will blindly lead ourselves away from Him by choosing to ignore His call to our hearts. Because of Jesus, God’s anger is turned away from us as long as we put our hope, faith and trust in Him in light of what He did for us to be in right standing with Him again. See we have a choice, even after salvation, to let Him reprogram our way of thinking or to live, once again, as a law unto ourselves. Honestly, no one is happy with themselves that lives apart from God, because God is spilling over with a love that goes beyond knowledge and gives His people a joy that is unspeakable. He wants to restore us back to the garden, where we can be naked an unashamed with our spouses. Where we can walk with God in the cool of the day. Where we have no fear of tomorrow. Where we can’t even be concerned about today. Where trust the person that God gave us with our lives, because their life is your life too. The optimum place to raise your kids in. And that’s what Jesus died for, to save us from a life away from Him. He saved us not because of anything righteous that we’ve done, but because of His great mercy. He saved us when we didn’t do anything religiously acceptable to become like Him, but He did it anyway because someone had to go beyond what we were used to seeing and bring us into the real truth of life before ours ended with a devastating conclusion. He wants our minds back fathers and He wants our commitment back mothers and he wants the parents to raise their kids up knowing who they are in Christ so that when they get old, nothing can detour them away from the truth of God’s word that’s been so implanted in their hearts. It’s the new cycle that’s only new because not too many people attempt to honestly live it out daily with their families. They’re so bent on God filling in the gaps that they don’t do anything about the fact they just found a pornography magazine under their 15-year olds bed. I want to be an encouragement to parents and children alike, that we don’t have to die daily to God when He desires for us to live and move and have our total being in Him! Don’t waste your life on things that don’t matter, you’re good enough at that by yourself. Invest in the Gospel and taste and see that the Lord is good in every way and in every sense. Lose your life to God’s love and watch Him restore you from your inner most to the uttermost. The fact is that we don’t know how to love ourselves. We really don’t. I didn’t. That’s why it was so easy for me to eventually fall into the pornography portal like many people do. But I learned that I was worth loving, even in my mess of life that I had created. Even in my selfishness and bitterness, God loved me. And His love for me was much deeper than my chains of defeat and self-inflicted pain. He loved me so much that He was also committed to me learning how to love myself and to not let society dictate the way I thought about life, but rather to let Him dictate what my mind conceived. From there, I’ve slowly learned how to love other people in the scope of the finished work of the cross and after almost four years of continual scrubbing and even wrestling God at times, I finally understand His love for me. And now I know and know more about how to love the people around me, as unlovable as they may be sometimes. Lol. But truth is, we have to love people enough to see them in the finished work of the cross, but also love them enough to tell them the truth about their life. Because the obligation of love is to seek and to save that which is lost, no matter the cost. My desire is for women to desire to be with God more than a man and for a man to fulfill her desires. My desire is for men to prefer God over a woman and for women to fulfill his desires. My desire is for men and women to understand their equality and their interdependency under God and to each other. My desire is for Men to desire one woman and for women to desire one man. My desire is for the Adult Industry to become shut down once people gain the knowledge of who they are in Christ. My desire is for the love of God to be the force that motivates couples to stay in love in their marriages. My desire is for households to be fully responsible and committed to their offspring, the seed and the adopted.

Closing Remarks

I think that I’ve successfully broken the mold of what people may have conceived about this project. I had no intentions to ‘expose’ the Adult Entertainment industry by systematically breaking down statistic sheets, showing a bunch of numbers from bank accounts, exposing names and dropping a bunch a claims and tell you about testimonies that you honestly can go read for yourself. There are plenty of documentaries on the History of Playboy, you can go read about former porn-stars and their life in the pornography industry, you can go YouTube Ted Bundy’s last interview, you can look up interviews on Ron Jeremy when he debates Pastors on live television, you can go find out about the media mogul Rupert Murdoch. I mean there’s a myriad of things to look into about porn and its effects on the human psyche and on human history, but my goal is to lead you away from going into factual head knowledge, and to show you where viewing porn stems from. I want to shed light not on porn itself but rather, the reason why people are addicted to it in the first place; Because the same reason why people are enslaved to watch it is the same bondage that encouraging women to go and be exploited by it. In the sex industry, and in the homes of America. It’s the same motivating factors…
But I don’t wanna blame popular culture for anything that the Bible hasn’t refuted already and provided a way out of our current and present circumstances. The word of the Lord is the authority that will break the bondages of tyranny in our minds and bring about a self-revolution where men and women find their complete knowledge of self. We can’t help but do what we do because we don’t have God as our source of all that we are. We’re sinful because it’s in our DNA to do so and only putting faith in the finished work of the Cross of Jesus Christ will bring about the reconciliation and change that we so seek to have. I don’t want to waste your time and I’m confident that I haven’t because the very fact that you’ve read this far is either because you already have won this battle and it’s encouraging to hear another story, or that you are  and have been seeking to find an answer for this thing for a long time and you can’t get out. Jesus can and will free you today from the restrictions of love that you have in your heart. It’s hard for you to guard your heart against doing this stuff because your heart is too broken to even have a solid rock to stand upon. And I’ve been there too. Beneath every person with a cold outer shell is a living beating heart that is susceptible to become filled with one of two sources, death or life. If you need true reconciliation to monotonous soul searching, then the time is now. If you are tired of not finding solutions I got a God to introduce you to that is greater than the best thing that you’ve ever experienced in your life! He’s so good and His standards are perfect! His love in unmatched! Adult Entertainment is blind to the Love of God but God wants to restore only after repentance is first made. I’m telling you, don’t waste your life on things that collect moths and dust and are corruptible and fade away and tarnish and get washed down a drain and forgotten. Don’t waste any more time chasing things that don’t matter in light of the eternal God and His heavenly perspective and plan for your life. You’ve got to let yourself go so that you can find yourself again. But this time in truth. And God wants nothing more for you than to live and move and have your being in Christ Jesus. He died so that we could live a life that is exceedingly and abundantly above, all that you can ask or think, but its only according to the power that works in you. There’s a seed in your heart that may have been watered by the wrong words and thoughts but God offers you a heart transplant to bring you into a moral and spiritual resurgence that will shine so brightly in you that the people around you will want the same thing that you have. Let this testimony be a ramp for you. Let this testimony encourage you to chase God with all that you have. Let this be your first wave of faith that forces you to examine the infinite conundrum…
“Who am I and why am I here?”
It takes a village to raise a child and it takes people filled with faith, power and the word of God around you to help bring you into the real truth that God desires for His people to live, be governed, and love by.
And so concludes the third chapter in the freedom in five book.

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