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Thursday, March 31, 2011


I can't -
Help but see 'em
Distracted by black mask-kess
Road to Damascus
A rope to a pastor
I have to ask if
Was I really made to see this?
My stomach turns as I'm being entertained by demons
They fight my internals
Leaving me
With open wounds the size of crop circles
Some of you heard this
Once before
They sleeping at your door
They smell your blood shed
Odor comes from open sores

Like sharks they can smell your wounds from a mile away
You can't dodge these monsoons of thoughts
'Cause when you cry, they stay
They watch over you like the killer in the tale-tell heart
They never can be defeated
Never having strength depleted
Infamous and eternal
Internal rockin' a thermal
Around their fiery furnace of a heart
Looks more like an upside down cross
In the pit under a pendulum
A boiling pot of obstruction and misused justice
Lies that are spontaneously combusted
With a spear that's been thrusted
Down the center
While a cauldron topples over
You hear the muffled cries of a broken sinner
Your heart breaks
His anguish runs deeper than oceans bottoms
Every moan and every wail
Brings back the reality of Gomorrah and Sodom
His loud cries and vocal strains
Repeatedly barricade your rib cage
He's trapped, and locked in a cell of torment
A dying slave
With no wisdom guiding you, you reach out to grab his burning hand
But as you get closer, his face is still intact as a man
Fully recognizing his complexion
You pause in horror
And look back again
As if a ghost has been seen
it's more clearer
But the fear of seeing His agony
Only shows to you a mirror...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Savior Who Reigns

(.verse 1.)
See I'm lacking the vernacular
To adequately capture
His emaculate stature
And His love for Mary Magdalene
But still i grab this torch
And use His word as a lit match and then
Attempt to make an accurate depiction of His majesty

I'm glad it's He
That created the sun, moon, and stars
Who made a choice
That's actually
Broken these chains and melted these bars
Of religion and trepidation
The bed of Satan
Instead of waiting
He struck both sides of my mattress
With a mere statement
Remodeled the whole house
And made the cornerstone Christ Jesus
Evaluated my situation
And gave me the word that Paul spoke to the Galatians And the Ephesians....

Concerning the fruits of the spirit
Christian conduct and a life of worship
Why He died on my behalf
And my life to be in His surplus
He disrupted my circus
With a verse of true controversy
and said 'Nobody fears God..'
In listening it started to hurt me
Urking and Lurking in my hearts file cabinets and archives
Was the never ending truth
Of the Symphony of Heaven
He's alive and iridescent
Undispuatble and irrefutable
Fully suitable to fit work
In a hard heart that seems un-do-able
I got a passion in the Son of Man
And a passion in His words
Passion that burns for His hands to grasp
My hearts every turn
And twist
And He remains anonymous
But I know him by His gift
For he greeted me with a kiss
And with obedience I'll honor Him.

All praise to the name
Of the Savior who reigns
He's taken our blame
And embraced all our shame
He's raised from the grave
So His fame we proclaim
Salvation by grace
Through faith in His name!

(.verse 2.)
The most prolific martyr
The who (who's) dwelling in unapproachable light
The God man Jesus Christ
His mandate repent and follow:
The steps of the elect
And wear His words on your chest and neck
Denounce the sin
And to lawlessness
Forever be vexed
His words holy and perfect
And His breathe like summer winds
He's the blessing without the cursing
And the one who's coming again!

He's kinda like
The messiah TYPE A
And ain't chemical concoction
reciprocating His Holy name!
He's the lime-light of Heaven
And the laminin of the Galaxy
He's suspending the earth
By the sound of His voice
But He close enough to say that He's proud of me
The best
Alpha and Omega
His touches leads to cardiac arrest
Captivating the inner mane
while putting a hold on bodily functions
Freezing time to purge iniquity
From every submitting and willing persons
with an iron rod
He's sworn to bash the face of wicked mischievousness spirits
But at the same time
He blesses your soul...
Speaking to you via the Fathers Sacred and Holy lyrics...




Thursday, March 3, 2011

(A Cold Heart of Stone) Bitterness Manifested into Selfishness

I don't even know why i feel this way
I feel as if i could hate you for the rest of my life
I get convinced that my dispositions are right - but its strife
That I'm fueled by, amped up to yell in your face
And tell you to like you told me, to go Hell and leave this place
I'm angry at your actions and im sick of fighting you internally
Every time i see your face my heart involuntarily starts to bleed
But i need you to listen
For once, tune your ears and understand me
Because i can't live like this and continue to call it family
I cant talk to you without wanting to make you pay for all the wrong things you've done
That you did without thinking, and you done them to a son
For fun, maybe, but why then do i cry like a new born baby
Who's neglected but your choice weapon of selfishness, im left perplex'ted
I feel naked and unusual or an unusable tool
Im ostracized outside the city like a Samaritan
Jerusalem's fool
Im unprotected and ill-witted
Unequipped in a world of monsters
But ive grown to realize that you're one of them
A thought that i didn't conjure - up
Or think on my own, its the produce of your own fore thoughts
Its the fruit of your labor
But you walk around like a hardwired robot
Being swayed by popular cultures trapeze of endless twirls and circles
You follow anything that keeps you comfortable
A run from being exposed
and its sickens me!
Ive hated myself because you seemingly didn't want me
Ive wanted to die and be forgotten
And with your actions you said, " Go ahead.."
My condition is smitten, but lost and confused
Tossed and abused
Raped and molested
Festering and not connected
Head ached and falsely concepted
Maliced and biased
Forgetful and out of time
A liar without compliance
Im a hardcore case of opportunity
I want unity
Only if it works for my good in the end
And my immunity
You won't speak I'll do more devious
I'll use the media to upset your precepts and tell you wants next!
You can't get aggressive enough to stop me
I'll pop 3 with a prime NRA grip of choice
And make noise that men or war hate hearing
Yet are favorite toys for little boys
Im not scared anymore, im fearless
And dont try and stop me
Ill retaliate with indignance that's filled with
Retribution and contaminated pen ship
I should mention that I can grow up on my own
Don't call me on the phone
To try and ask how im doing
Eventually you start calling me away, shooing...
I get angry till im blue in the face
Smurfed up with contusions and abased
Called your disgrace
And left for dead, and locked up into another place
I dont even know who i am - or what i culd be - or what ive become
I flying by the seat of my pants
In these mixed world
But you brought me here and gave me nothing
Tried to hope that i would figure out on my own
And i have and ive hated you for it
'Cause i wake up, only to get hit by a forklift
and my dreams are constantly shattered
And i can't ignore it like you can
I just wish that you would love me
Whatever your battling, i wish you would give in
and come and hug me
I wish my mother felt comfortable with you
I wish you 2 would grow together
and die to each others rights and wishes
and become interdependent
But you're withheld and withdrawn
Holding it in and somethings wrong
And you refuse to talk about it
That's why i write this song.....

Because im sick of the silence
I wanna break free from my depression
Cause im in step with thoughts of topless females for my soulish medicine
Since 2008 til 2010
I acted out my debauchery and blatantly committed sin
Ive been boxed up and trapped, chocking on lies and all the while
No one questioned my integrity, or challenged what was behind my smile
I wondering why do i even have to cry like this
Why must i have to feel this silent pain that i can't tell to anyone
Why am i so alone
Why is there no person in my life that's willing to just sit and listen
Why must i go on lie this
Why do you still not care?
Why do i feel like you hate me?
Why do i feel like i hate you?
Why is there no truth?
and only compromise
Why has my heart, that i thought was always pliable and soft, turned into a breeding ground for unforgiveness and solitary confinement?
