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Thursday, September 17, 2009

.The Voice of the Martyrs.
(verse - 1)
They can excommunicate - but they can't break me
They can drag me to the steaks - or leave me in the stocks
They can laugh right in my face - or leave me in the dark
But i have to abstain, and pour oil upon the spark

And follow in the shadows that was taught to -
Not be deceived -
The heavenly detox for Epoch
The D-Block for Christ's soldiers - Chained up in righteousness
Suffering carrying the boulder!

Telling truths to my family and friends
They retaliate and claim that I'm disillusioned
And rambling again
But if we're marrying Him - yet carrying sin
His word testifies that we were never His kin!

But to meet with Him blameless in the sky
Is the aim inside my life
Zero strife - but abundant love and fellowship
The word is the head of this
Fleshly development
His love my embellishment

(verse - 2)
(James the Just)
Father forgive them for they know not what they do!
The ignorance is so blissful - they cannot seem to choose!
Who To serve - the Lord or Mammon
Hell or Heaven - Good or evil - right or wrong
There conscience's are severed!
Pull the lever of truth and drop them in a state - Recluse
And sock them in the face - with good news!
They'll drop and then pray - without refute
Then regenerate the dead bones - to bare the very witness of You!

Here your servants cry!
You will not be condoned!
You will reign!
You will come back on a white horse - of course they'll doubt - those without faith
In the Son -
You're the rapturer - capturer of saddened men
The blessed hope of eternal life and the giver of re-birth!
The marrow of my bones -
My reason for my groans!
But I'll stand firm like Job!
I'll fight like Jonathan!
And walk like an Apostle!
Proclaiming your Gospel!


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