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Thursday, October 15, 2009

the night before the birthday

if I can speak with candid speech
for just a moment
I'll paint this canvas well and neat
for your enjoyment

The resound of the Holiday's Sirens
whistle and screech
Throughout the night sky,
I lay in a halfway decent slumber - i cant sleep

I'm tossing and turning
I'm hostel, perturbed and
I'm gripping the sheets
While I'm gritting' my teeth

They yell and they sing
Of the tales of old king's?
but they don't know the story
of the Liberty Bell's Ring

They're loud and obnoxious
And take most of their profit
To build a so called 'salutation'
To the United States declaration

Void of understanding
Modern day Benedict Arnold's
A voice in need of reprimanding
A condition severely carnal

Rum and Coke fill the air
And a child is in despair
Crawling from the window pane
But not promised to come back sane

The same souls that make this party
Will make tomorrows
With the same intentions and same goals
So I departed

So now the promise of the 13th year is this
Your a teen
But your family's obscene
Gestures, make you wanna flee

To another time period
Or some other-time-PERIOD!
'Cause it's gonna get worse
So in the pillow your head is cursed

But this happens every year
Every summer
Every time
Every birthday is taken
And every time it's mine

Knowing they'll be slurred in speech
While singing and cutting cake
Never remembering to get me presents
Cause most the money was spent yesterday.

Fighting the vexed taste in my mouth
Knowing my birthday is hours away
Every year brings a new reason
Why I wish it was another day

Thursday, September 17, 2009

.The Voice of the Martyrs.
(verse - 1)
They can excommunicate - but they can't break me
They can drag me to the steaks - or leave me in the stocks
They can laugh right in my face - or leave me in the dark
But i have to abstain, and pour oil upon the spark

And follow in the shadows that was taught to -
Not be deceived -
The heavenly detox for Epoch
The D-Block for Christ's soldiers - Chained up in righteousness
Suffering carrying the boulder!

Telling truths to my family and friends
They retaliate and claim that I'm disillusioned
And rambling again
But if we're marrying Him - yet carrying sin
His word testifies that we were never His kin!

But to meet with Him blameless in the sky
Is the aim inside my life
Zero strife - but abundant love and fellowship
The word is the head of this
Fleshly development
His love my embellishment

(verse - 2)
(James the Just)
Father forgive them for they know not what they do!
The ignorance is so blissful - they cannot seem to choose!
Who To serve - the Lord or Mammon
Hell or Heaven - Good or evil - right or wrong
There conscience's are severed!
Pull the lever of truth and drop them in a state - Recluse
And sock them in the face - with good news!
They'll drop and then pray - without refute
Then regenerate the dead bones - to bare the very witness of You!

Here your servants cry!
You will not be condoned!
You will reign!
You will come back on a white horse - of course they'll doubt - those without faith
In the Son -
You're the rapturer - capturer of saddened men
The blessed hope of eternal life and the giver of re-birth!
The marrow of my bones -
My reason for my groans!
But I'll stand firm like Job!
I'll fight like Jonathan!
And walk like an Apostle!
Proclaiming your Gospel!


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Endure in these sufferings brothers

Verse 1:
Misunderstood youth,
Under the hood
Fenced in by missing opportunity -" it's all good!"
Was convinced by this phrase

My heart is suppressed,
My lungs rattling my rib cage
I'm battling with this age and time

I can't say a rhyme, or clap praise to God
I'm vexed running in a circle in the rat race of life
=Strife's my suggestion
Was hype when I had connection
To the most high

Not a stereo type, but a cheerio guy
You know the cereal of life that purges heart's by repentance
And believing in God

But what I'm believing is these problems that I'm seeing
Are cutting my flesh, and accommodating freedom

You're calling those in the trenches
To save the lost, to hold fast
And don't loose heart
Or call it off

And I won't buy deception,
Or trepidation
I'll be patient and wait
Tilling the grounds to bear good fruit

I won't be moved by the widely accepted truth
That doesn't speak of your promises
I'm seeking admonishment
Of the Living God
And your word
With my life
Sovereign Lord
I'll honor it

Lord I'll be living proof
That the noose that strangled the goose
Is now cut loose...

Lord you have conquered the grave
And your children are born again
Being baptized in your name

Lord make my weapons the same
As the Lion of Judah's were
Today Christ is the same!
As he was 2000 years ago to exact
We be them 2 Corinthians 5:17 cats

Verse 2:
30 seconds in, his knees are shaking
His countenance breaking
In his mind earthquakes and natural disasters
That are common to man
He pleads "Marc man you don't understand,
"You can't comprehend what I'm in!"
I told him i won't buy that
You can't convince me that the spirit of the Living God
Is absent in this fly trap

Romans 6 - try that
Ephesians 4 - double back
Hold on to these truths
You know where they supplied at

So you can now dive in an infinite source
Bathe in the water of freedom/yes of course
You must strip down your pride
Or get slapped by lighting
Grabbed by men hiding
Steady fighting - like an ambush

Paul decreed Titus to run like Joseph
To have the advantage in an antidote Holy potion
That oozes from the lips of Jehovah
Making you firm
Unbeatable - Like the Ferrari Testarossa
Fight the good fight of faith
Is what I have to say
Join in this perpetual praise!
Join in this supplication without haste!
Christ raised us up on the 3rd day!


(recite the section from 2 Corinthians 6:3-10)